Relationship advices

Family Conflicts • 1mo ago

I'm not certain I can manage my future mother-in-law.

I'm 26 and contemplating ending my relationship with my girlfriend Cam, who is 25, mainly because I'm uncomfortable with her family. I feel she struggles to recognize that her mother, Aimee, is a deeply flawed individual. This seems to indicate a fundamental incompatibility between us. After two years together, during which we've been living together, I was even considering proposing before our upcoming family vacation. Aimee divorced Cam's dad and married her stepdad, Bob, who is 18 years older and quite wealthy, with an estimated net worth of over $20 million. Unfortunately, Aimee is often rude and disrespectful toward Bob, who has significant physical limitations. She refuses to walk with him and has let him fall in the middle of the street numerous times, which could easily result in serious injury or even death. After spending time with this family on multiple occasions and now heading out on a three-day vacation with them, it's clear to me that Aimee has little regard for Bob and her behavior towards him is frankly disturbing. Moreover, Aimee spends Bob's money extravagantly, treating my girlfriend and her stepbrother to lavish purchases, including an $80,000 rug and various renovations. There are countless examples of wasteful spending and disrespectful treatment that I’ve observed. I worry that Cam idolizes her mother, and while I get why—Aimee is very affectionate towards her—I can't help but be concerned that Cam might adopt similar behaviors in our relationship. I've tried pointing out how Aimee treats Bob, who is genuinely kind and accepting of Cam, but she seems blind to what I view as clearly abusive behavior. Coming from a less privileged background, it also frustrates me that Aimee spends money so frivolously, especially since she wasn’t involved in Bob's life when he was building his wealth. My own upbringing hasn’t been without flaws; my dad cheated on my mom several times, and she struggles with a severe hoarding problem and has taken money from both me and her siblings. I love them both, but I can see their faults and acknowledge their mistakes. After this vacation, I’m not sure I can have Aimee in my life and feel strongly about it. I would appreciate any advice on how to approach this topic with Cam. I worry that she may not understand my perspective, and it feels disingenuous to bring it up now if she hasn't recognized these issues at 28. Is this relationship irreparable?

Communication Problems • 1mo ago

I'm a 26-year-old woman feeling overlooked and unsupported by my 28-year-old partner. Should I consider moving on?

My partner and I have been together for five years. About five months into our relationship, we moved in together and spent four years as roommates until he decided to move out to focus on his startup. I understood his decision, as I also hold a demanding leadership position, and we both want to advance our careers before considering marriage. He relocated just 15 minutes away, and for the first six months, we spent weekends together, as well as time during my periods. However, things began to shift when his work travel intensified. He has never been the best at texting, but during his trips, his responses became almost nonexistent, even after I expressed how much it upset me. I stayed up late for calls, but he always prioritized work instead. While he chats enthusiastically with friends, he barely acknowledges my messages, even when he's online. In person, he’s often glued to his phone or laptop; while he listens, it feels like he’s not fully present. I’ve conveyed my feelings about this, but there hasn’t been any change. For my birthday, I like to throw big parties (which I cover the costs for). Last year, when I requested his help with the guest list, he told me to handle it myself, despite the fact that I take care of his birthday plans every year without complaint. He hasn't given me a gift since our first year together, and he doesn't acknowledge our anniversary. I've come to expect minimal effort—perhaps just dinner. It’s not about money—he earns more than I do, and I’ve never anticipated financial support from him since I treat myself to what I want—but his lack of initiative is painful. Our intimate life has dwindled as well. I stopped trying to initiate after facing frequent rejection due to his low libido, even when we were living together. Now, I often feel sad after moments of intimacy. He rarely visits me, and when I go to his place, he sometimes calls me a distraction. Recently, after a light-hearted joke about him not opening the car door for me, he snapped at me to “get the f*** out of his house.” I still have feelings for him, but each meeting leaves me feeling heartbroken. He is kind, intelligent, and genuinely cares for me, always putting his work aside when I'm going through a tough time. However, I’m exhausted from asking for the bare minimum: flowers only when I request them, and dates only when I organize them. I don’t see the point in staying when I feel I receive so little in return. He claims these are just our growth years and insists things will improve after marriage, but I’m beginning to doubt that. He was so affectionate when we first started dating, and I can’t quite understand what has changed.

Communication Problems • 1mo ago

I'm a 27-year-old man in a long-distance relationship with a 26-year-old woman, and I've noticed that she tends to avoid sending pictures. This has begun to bother me. Any advice would be appreciated!

I’m a 27-year-old male in a long-distance relationship with my girlfriend, who is 26, and we’ve been together for nearly a year. Although we’ve exchanged photos in the past, she hasn’t felt comfortable sharing any new ones since then. To clarify, I’m not looking for anything out of the ordinary—just typical, casual pictures, like selfies or snapshots of her daily life. This seems like a normal aspect of a relationship, especially in a long-distance situation where connecting visually can help bridge the gap. Whenever I bring it up, she either expresses reluctance to share photos or changes the subject, suggesting we revisit it later. I’ve been trying to honor her boundaries, but after almost a year, it feels a bit unsettling. I’m starting to wonder if I’m overreacting or if there’s something more significant at play. Am I being unreasonable to want this? How can I approach the situation in a way that doesn’t make her uncomfortable? I’m unsure if it’s a trust issue on my side or if she’s simply not as open. In summary: My long-distance girlfriend hasn’t shared any photos with me in the past year, and she tends to sidestep the topic when I ask. I’m conflicted about whether I should be concerned or just let it go. How should I address this?

Toxic Relationships • 1mo ago

I'm a 22-year-old man and I'm feeling really unhappy in my relationship with my 25-year-old girlfriend. Does anyone have any advice?

I've been with my girlfriend for about a year and a half, having met her through my cousin. The first few months were amazing, but after that, I've noticed some troubling behavior from her. At first, her outbursts were not directed at me, and while I thought they were overreactions, I justified them given the circumstances. However, she slowly began to show her harsh side towards me. Our first major argument left me mentally exhausted, and I ended up apologizing in an attempt to move past it. Around the nine-month mark, I found an apartment suitable for both of us and invited her to join me. Shortly after moving in, her behavior worsened significantly—she would often yell or ignore me after work. Despite this, there were still moments when I saw her softer side when she was more relaxed. After a week or two, I reached my breaking point and confronted her, which led to another argument. Lately, her demeanor has become increasingly mean, although she still maintains a pleasant facade around friends, except for one incident when she lashed out at me in private. I've ended up sleeping on the couch more often than in our bed, and I find myself dreading returning home from work. My happiness in the relationship has diminished, but I'm too afraid to end things. I'm not worried about physical abuse, but I feel it's easier to endure her harshness than face the prospect of being single again. I'm hesitant to admit to anyone that I'm in a situation where I'm being mistreated, and the idea of explaining a breakup fills me with dread. A close friend of mine noticed that I seemed off when I visited him last Sunday. He texted to ask what was wrong, but I brushed it off, claiming I was just tired from working overtime. I'm scared of being single and feeling inadequate in relationships, leaving me conflicted about what I truly want in life. What should I do?

Sexual Problems and Intimacy • 1mo ago

My girlfriend (18) mentioned to me (19) that if she were a guy, she believes she would be more well-endowed.

My girlfriend mentioned that if she were a guy, she would have a bigger penis than me. She hasn't seen mine in person yet, but she has felt it through my pants. We haven't had the opportunity to be intimate because her family is usually around. Perhaps she made that remark out of frustration from a sarcastic joke I made that she took personally. Should I be concerned about this? Is it common in relationships? Just for reference, mine is over 6.5 inches.

Low Self-Esteem and Personal Growth • 1mo ago

What does it feel like to be the toxic one in a relationship?

I’m a 31-year-old woman, and my husband is 36. We’ve been together for over 11 years and married for 4, but we don’t have any children. He truly is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I love him immensely; I honestly don’t know how I would function without him. He loves me deeply, too, and always stands up for me. He cannot tolerate anyone who disrespects me, whether it’s my colleagues, friends, or even our parents. It feels like it’s always us against the world, which I really appreciate. However, I struggle to match his level of support. I’ve been a people pleaser and an overachiever for most of my life, always wanting to be the nice person and avoiding conflict, even if it means making significant adjustments and compromises on my part. I’ve been trying to change this behavior for a long time, but I find myself falling back into the same patterns. When this happens, we end up fighting, and I feel miserable for both myself and him. Sometimes, I worry that I’m the toxic one in our relationship and that he deserves someone better given all he does for me. I tend to be very sensitive and cry easily, which I dislike about myself. He always comforts me when he sees me upset, even though I often cause the issues. I’m at a loss and feel like I’ll never be the better person that both he and I want me to be. Despite the trouble my tendencies have caused—often allowing people to take advantage of me—I find it challenging to learn from these experiences. There are times when I just want to give up. 😔 Please forgive any mistakes in my English!

Infidelity • 1mo ago

I just met my girlfriend's boyfriend.

I'm a 34-year-old man, and I recently met my girlfriend's boyfriend, who is 24. Here’s the situation: my girlfriend graduated from college today. Yes, there is an age difference between us, but we’ve talked about it, and she’s comfortable with it. We were introduced by a mutual friend who is 26. A little background: I've done a lot of work on myself regarding childhood trauma, relationships, and trust issues stemming from my upbringing in group and foster homes. As a result, I’ve focused heavily on communication in our relationship, which we sometimes struggled with. She had mentioned that her friends and family were in town for her big day and that they would help her move out of her apartment. Since her graduation was a ticketed event, I couldn’t attend, and we had agreed that I might not see her while her family was visiting. I didn’t consider this a red flag, as I’ve worked hard to not impose my past trust issues onto her. I wanted to surprise her with flowers, so I called her to let her know, but there was no answer. Thinking she would be at her celebration, I decided to drop off the bouquet anyway. When I arrived, I was surprised to see lights on and people around her apartment. Dressed up and holding the flowers, I knocked, and a guy opened the door, looking perplexed. I asked if my girlfriend was there, and he went to get her. When she came out, she looked extremely displeased, almost as if she had seen a ghost. I was confused because I thought she would appreciate the flowers, especially since I had helped her pick out a nice dress for the occasion. We exchanged words, and she was upset that I had shown up unannounced, while I was simply trying to be a supportive boyfriend. We agreed to discuss it later. As I was leaving, the guy who opened the door and I ran into each other. He revealed that he was her boyfriend, and I introduced myself as her boyfriend as well. Both of us were shocked. He asked when we had last been intimate, and I told him it was just two days ago, right before he arrived for her graduation. We exchanged numbers and agreed to sort everything out later. TLDR: My girlfriend has a boyfriend from her hometown, while I’m her boyfriend in the city where she currently lives, and we accidentally crossed paths in front of her family. Now, I’m unsure of how to proceed. Should I seek closure, or should I confront her? I really like this girl—it felt like a love-at-first-sight connection. Initially, I attributed some communication gaps to my own insecurities from past problematic relationships. I feel bad for the guy, as he was completely unaware of my existence. They were supposed to spend a long weekend in the mountains together, which she had originally described as a "friends trip." We had discussed the challenges of long-distance relationships and made plans to see each other once a month, as well as move together to a new city in six months. However, I’m at a loss. The guy and I have talked briefly, but she hasn’t responded to my messages. He did mention that she admitted to him that I exist. I'm frustrated, especially since she shared her past trauma and trust issues with men. I’ve genuinely tried to meet her halfway and help her overcome her beliefs about men, only to find myself in this situation. It’s disheartening. 😫🤦🏽‍♂️

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

35-year-old man wants his girlfriend, who is 39, to end her friendship with her male best friend of 20 years. What are your thoughts?

I'm a 39-year-old woman currently in a relationship with my boyfriend, who is 35. We've been together for nine months, but recently we've had a lot of disagreements due to his concerns about my male best friend, who I've known for nearly 20 years. My boyfriend went through my phone and found some messages from 2017 that he interprets as flirty. In one exchange, I sent a photo of my Halloween costume, and the conversation included comments like "Hot" and "Garnet still would’ve been better though." He then asked if I got any numbers, to which I replied, "Meh nah." He also made a joke about the guys where I live, saying, "Your cleavage was too much for them." My boyfriend feels these messages are inappropriate and doesn't believe me when I say my friendship with him is purely platonic. He wants me to sever ties with my best friend, who is married and lives in my home country. I understand that he can be a bit loose with his words, but I assure him there's no flirting involved. I've also deleted all contacts of my exes and agreed not to travel home without my boyfriend in the future, but he still insists on cutting off my long-term friendship. He's been reading posts that label having a straight male best friend as a potential red flag, leading him to believe that there’s a risk involved. However, my best friend and I have maintained a platonic relationship for all these years, and I don't feel that the messages he found reflect anything inappropriate. What steps can we take to resolve this situation? Do you think the messages are flirty?

Long-Term Relationships and Marriage • 1mo ago

My partner and I do not share a common goal.

My partner (F26) and I (F26) have been together for six years. I’ve been open about my desire for marriage and children, but her responses are usually along the lines of “let’s do it now” or “I’m not someone who likes to plan everything, as we can’t predict the future.” Each time I bring up this topic, her replies make me question everything about our relationship. She’s a wonderful partner and my best friend, but sometimes I feel like she’s not ready to settle down with me. This thought makes me feel sad, regretful, and upset that we’ve been in this situation for so long. I don’t want to give her an ultimatum or pressure her into shaping our relationship according to my wishes, fearing it would lead to resentment. I'm scared to end the relationship, but I’m losing hope for our future together.

Infidelity • 1mo ago

Am I about to lose the love of my life?

I’m a 34-year-old woman seeking advice or maybe a reality check. My partner, a 33-year-old man, and I have been in a relationship for three months, but we've worked together for the past two years. We were friends before, both married, so we never crossed any boundaries. Earlier this year, we both ended up separated from our spouses and grew closer while sharing our experiences. It started off with just casual texting, but it escalated quickly, and we became quite serious before we even realized it. I tend to fall hard and fast, but this feels completely different. I've never experienced such deep mutual love, understanding, or chemistry with anyone else, and he claims to feel the same. Currently, we are both separated. My situation is progressing to divorce, which will be finalized in January. I have a 14-year-old daughter with my ex-husband, and though things were rocky at first, we've established a peaceful custody agreement. My partner's relationship with his spouse has always been tumultuous, with reports of verbal and emotional abuse. They have two children, ages 6 and 5, and over the years, his wife has used the kids to manipulate him. This past summer, she took the kids to her hometown without informing him, and he feels threatened that she might permanently relocate with them. Recently, there seemed to be a truce where he was allowed more time with the kids, which was not the case at first. I have urged him numerous times to utilize our company’s Employee Assistance Program for legal advice, but he hasn’t taken that step. Recently, he called me in tears, expressing his desire to do what’s right for his kids and to provide them with a life he never had. He insists on giving his marriage one more shot for their sake. This has left me heartbroken, and he seems to be struggling too. This isn't the first time such concerns have surfaced; it happened around Thanksgiving, but nothing changed then. Now, he’s talking about moving back in with his wife after Christmas. Although I can’t share every detail without this becoming overwhelmingly long, there’s one more important aspect: I had an affair earlier this year, which he strongly disliked. I initially kept it from him but admitted it a few weeks into our relationship because I wanted to be honest. He has repeatedly expressed how much this bothers him and how it makes him feel like a rebound or merely “next in line.” I’ve done everything possible to reassure him that it was a mistake I deeply regret. I was with that other person for a short period, but it ended well before my partner and I got together. I’m not sure why he’s still so affected by it, especially since I’ve emphasized that it’s in the past. He has brought it up several times, and I can't help but wonder if he’s using it as an excuse to justify pursuing his wife again. I’ve told him I would love and care for his kids as if they were my own and that I would always be respectful towards their mother. He feels conflicted, torn between his responsibilities as a father and his feelings for me. He feels empty without one or the other and struggles to see a way to have both. He’s worried his wife might leave with the kids for good this time. My heart is shattered; I’ve never loved anyone like this before, even after a 15-year marriage. It feels profound, on a soul level, and he says he feels the same way. I can see the pain he’s in, but I’m unsure of how to move forward.

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

My girlfriend (21F) is upset after discovering that I (26M) wear height insoles. How should we handle this situation?

My girlfriend and I have been together for six months. During this time, I’ve been wearing height-increasing insoles that boost my height by two inches. With them, I reach 5'5", while she is 5'3". I chose to wear them for a confidence boost when I’m with her. However, now she’s upset after discovering the insoles, feeling as though I've deceived her. How can we move forward from this?

Sexual Problems and Intimacy • 1mo ago

How can I (F21) get over my boyfriend's (M24) porn use?

Hey everyone! My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for about three years, and we've been living together for roughly a year and a half. When we first started dating, I made it clear that I was uncomfortable with frequent porn consumption in a relationship, and he agreed to that boundary. I genuinely believed he respected it. After we moved in together, things changed. One night, both of us were high, and I noticed my boyfriend getting up frequently in the middle of the night and disappearing for a while. The next morning, I checked his phone and discovered he had a significant amount of porn saved. After that, I started to frequently check his browsing history and found a variety of explicit material that he accessed almost daily, including saved and liked videos on TikTok, Instagram, OnlyFans, and various websites. He would watch this content in bed next to me when he thought I was asleep, get up to watch it while I was in another room, and consume it every time I left the house. Feeling overwhelmed, I told him I would leave if he didn’t address this issue, as it crossed my established boundaries and made me feel trapped. He cried and promised to change, and for a while, I thought things were improving. However, a few months ago, I started coming home on my lunch breaks—maybe once a week—and almost every time I did, I found him watching porn and masturbating. It seems like this isn’t just limited to those moments, as I frequently catch him engaged in it. I’m exhausted from dealing with this. We've been together for a while now, and I’m unsure if it's worth the constant turmoil it brings. It leaves me feeling insecure and uncomfortable, as I can’t help but compare myself to the women in those videos. He often watches "hentai" and cosplayers, and after losing 25 pounds in a short time to look more like them, I've developed unhealthy eating habits and exercise routines without seeing any results. It's been over a month since we've been intimate because I'm self-conscious about not measuring up to those images. What should I do? Is there any way to salvage this relationship?

Toxic Relationships • 1mo ago

Would you consider marrying my boyfriend if you dislike him?

We’ve been together for three years, and while I love him, there are times when I really can’t stand him. He hasn’t cheated, but he has hurt me in other ways that he doesn’t seem to recognize. He has done a lot of good as well, but sometimes the negative feelings overwhelm everything else.

Breakups and Divorces • 1mo ago

Did I serve as his rebound? Female, 27 | Male, 23 - Relationship duration: 10 months

I'm a 27-year-old woman and a single mother to my daughter. After five years of being on my own, I met a guy in March who I genuinely believed could be “the one.” We connected incredibly well! He shared that he had previously been in a three-year relationship, but his partner left him to focus on her faith, which left him heartbroken for quite some time. He mentioned that it took him a year to heal and that he was still not in the right mindset for a relationship, wanting to dedicate this year to himself. Initially, I thought I wasn’t looking for a relationship either, but after months of chatting with him, I realized that deep down, that’s exactly what I wanted. One night on a date, I got a bit tipsy and inadvertently confessed that I loved him. He reassured me that it wasn't embarrassing and reminded me that we had previously discussed his need to focus on himself and that he wasn’t ready for a relationship right now. Feeling embarrassed, I suggested we should part ways, but he insisted we shouldn’t because he wasn’t put off by my comment. As the months went by, he became my safe haven, and I found myself completely falling for him. Yet, I longed for him to see me as his partner, not just someone to talk to or hook up with. During our time together, I accidentally got pregnant. Unsurprisingly, he didn’t want a child and still wasn’t interested in a relationship, which led to my first abortion—an extremely difficult experience. I tried to walk away multiple times because of his uncertainty about us. Each time, he would get emotional, even crying, and confess that he loved me but was scared. He feared starting over and questioned what would happen if we didn’t work out. He praised my love for him but thought he couldn’t give me the love I truly deserved. He often told me I was his dream girl, and his younger self would be thrilled to have found me, yet he still couldn’t commit. He repeatedly insisted that I deserved someone better. Despite my attempts to leave, he would reach out, expressing that our lack of communication felt torturous and that he suffered from my absence. He said I brought him comfort and that he had never felt so loved before, even if he wasn’t accustomed to it. He frequently reminded me of how rare and precious I was, yet he still hesitated to commit. It’s been 14 days since we last communicated, and he recently texted me to remind me about my eye appointment. Those 14 days were filled with a whirlwind of emotions, and I was just starting to feel a bit better. His message threw me off balance, leaving me emotionally wrecked. I had allowed him to become my safe place, integrating him into my life and opening myself up to him. I loved him with the sincerity of a schoolgirl experiencing her first crush. I confronted him, asking why he stayed if he never wanted me, why he gave me hope when he could have ended things, and why he set up situations that led to hurt. I've decided to go back to no contact and have completely blocked him. A friend mentioned that he has recently been posting things aimed at his ex. We shared dates, exchanged gifts, and even planned trips together. He was open to meeting my daughter. But after one miscommunication, he told me he didn't see a future with me and that I wasn't healed or whole because I was still trying to give myself to him. He felt I wasn’t in a place in my life to share myself with someone else. I've never experienced such devastation before.

Long-Term Relationships and Marriage • 1mo ago

I love you?

I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 13 months, and we've essentially been living together for that entire period. I own a house that has been on the market for 8 months, and we’ve agreed that I will fully move in with him once it sells. He is very caring, and his actions show that he values me, but he has never expressed his feelings using the "L" word. Recently, he referred to us as liking each other, which was a bit disheartening for me. I first brought up this topic in November, and he mentioned that he intended to say it during our trip in October, but it just didn’t feel like the right moment (that trip had its challenges!). It's been five weeks since that conversation, and still nothing has changed. Both of us have been married before, and I understand that the word carries significant weight for him. I worry about investing my time in someone who may not feel strongly enough about me. I’m 39, he’s 38, and I really want to have a child. Should I stay in this relationship, or do actions truly speak louder than words?

Long-Term Relationships and Marriage • 1mo ago

Is my boyfriend asking for too much, or am I not contributing enough?

My boyfriend, 22, and I, 21, have been together for over four years. I'm currently a first-year university student, while he works as a pilot with a demanding schedule. For the past three years, we’ve navigated long-distance periods, which have been challenging. He felt very unhappy in his previous town, isolated from family, friends, and me, leading him to move closer to me earlier this year. At first, he proposed that I move in with him, and I considered it. I initially agreed but, after thinking it through, I realized I wasn't ready. My parents, who are funding my education and living costs, were also hesitant, and I later found out his parents didn't support the idea either. This caused some intense disagreements, as he believed that living together would save us money and allow us to spend valuable time together after being apart for so long. While I understand his viewpoint, I felt overwhelmed by the magnitude of the decision. Our arguments became heated, and he even said some hurtful things. Later, he expressed that he felt I wasn't fully committed to our relationship. Since my university break began, I've spent the last month staying at his apartment, cooking and cleaning for him while he puts in long hours at work. By the time he returns home, he's understandably tired and unable to make time for dates or quality moments together. Although I’m happy to help, I often feel overlooked and as though I'm contributing more to the relationship, which I suspect is tied to his disappointment over me not moving in. For instance, on our fourth anniversary, I surprised him with a special dinner, cake, and decorations, but he didn’t plan anything for me, which hurt, even though I tried to brush it off. It seems that physical intimacy has been our only consistent form of connection lately, and even that sometimes feels empty. I’m also very close to my family. My sister is a single mom who just left an abusive relationship, and my parents are facing health issues. Because of this, I prioritize spending time with them, especially during the holidays. My boyfriend has mentioned that this makes him feel less significant, which is tough to hear because I do care deeply for him. However, I don’t think it’s fair for him to expect me to always be around when he’s not there most of the time, and I don't want to miss precious moments with my family when I actually have the opportunity to be with them. I recently informed him that I’d like to spend most of December with my family, but would drive four hours to be with him on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. This sparked another fight, during which he suggested I reconsider our relationship. He told me he feels I still have a lot of growing up to do for prioritizing my family, and that he sometimes feels “too mature” for me, implying I should just stay home with my “mommy and daddy.” To complicate matters, my parents are worried about me driving long distances on dangerous roads, and financially, I can't afford to make multiple trips. They've told me to choose where I want to spend Christmas, supporting my decision even if it's not with them. Unfortunately, my boyfriend has also expressed that he feels lonely because I'm not with him this month. He's even downloaded Bumble (the friends version) to meet new people. He continually reminds me that he moved closer for me after I declined to move in. This morning, he asked if I'd consider leaving my family and studies behind to move to another country with him for his job while continuing my education overseas. We've discussed the possibility of moving abroad, and I'm open to it, but it all feels too rushed. I haven’t even finished my degree yet, and the idea of leaving behind my family, education, and stability is unsettling, especially given our recent arguments. The ongoing conflicts and his recent suggestion that I reevaluate our relationship have left me feeling emotionally drained and detached. Being at home has given me the space to reflect, and despite our love for each other—and acknowledging that we both have our flaws—I’m starting to question if this relationship is worth sacrificing so much for, particularly my time with family, which I might regret missing. I would really appreciate any advice or perspectives on my situation.

Sexual Problems and Intimacy • 1mo ago

I’m feeling unhappy due to the lack of a sexual relationship.

Hello, I'm a 24-year-old woman, and my partner is 23. Lately, we've been facing some challenges in our relationship. I have a high sex drive, which wasn't an issue for him at the beginning of our nearly one-year relationship. However, we've been having much less intimacy lately—typically just once a week for a few minutes without any foreplay, leaving me unfulfilled. I've expressed my feelings to him multiple times, and while he says he wants to improve things, there hasn't been any change. The main issue seems to be that he struggles to maintain an erection. I try to approach the situation with sensitivity and respect for his feelings, but I'm starting to feel neglected. I'm at a loss about what to do. The lack of intimacy is making me quite unhappy, yet I want to stay with him. Whenever I try to initiate, I'm usually met with rejection, and just thinking about our intimacy issues saddens me. I don’t want to pressure him into sex, but I also want to find a solution. Does anyone have any advice on how I can help improve our situation?

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

I discovered that my boyfriend is featured on 'Are We Dating the Same Guy,' and I suspect my roommate might be connected to it.

I (F27) recently shared my concerns about some troubling behavior from my roommate (F28). I've come to realize that she and a few people I once considered close friends have been speaking negatively about my boyfriend (M32) behind my back. It seems like she might want something to happen that would lead to our breakup. Given my concerns about my roommate potentially trying to interfere in my relationship, I checked her Facebook page and found a post about my boyfriend from a few days ago. With everything happening, I feel like I need more substantial evidence beyond an anonymous post. It’s hard for me to believe it, and I suspect I won’t fully accept it unless I can confirm it’s not someone I know. Maybe I’m being unreasonable, but I did reach out to the original poster for proof of their conversations, but they only responded that they met on Hinge and have been talking on Snapchat. I might be in denial, but my intuition is telling me something isn’t right. I'm feeling lost about what to do next.

Long-Term Relationships and Marriage • 1mo ago

How much are you prepared to overlook for the sake of love?

Hey everyone! I'm a 19-year-old female, and I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend, who's also 19, for over a year now. We met when we were both 17 and started dating when he was 17 and I was 18. A bit of background: I didn’t have healthy relationship role models growing up, just what I saw in movies and on TV. Because of this, I never really understood what a healthy relationship should look like—just the idealized version in my mind. I often turn to AI for advice on relationships, which is kind of funny. As an only child, I grew up pretty independent. My boyfriend, on the other hand, has had a mother and stepfather for most of his life, but there’s a noticeable emotional distance in his family dynamic. From what he's shared about his past, it seems there isn't much emotional closeness among them. Now, regarding our relationship: we've had our fair share of arguments and have had to make positive changes. We've both learned a lot and experienced some unhealthy phases, too. This is both of our first serious relationships. While I've dated a bit, it's never lasted due to my commitment issues, and he hasn't dated much either because he was homeschooled and primarily interested in flirting with girls online. Every challenge we face brings us closer together, and I'm proud to see our growth. He has a lot to learn about emotional intimacy since he was diagnosed with autism at a young age, and I sometimes feel like his parents didn’t provide enough support. This has resulted in me doing most of the emotional labor because he’s more emotionally immature than I am. Despite the challenges, he’s dedicated to me and is committed to improving, just as I am. Right now, things are going pretty well. So, here’s my question, and my TL;DR: If you're young and a bit immature—perhaps making mistakes—but very committed to the person you love, how much would you be willing to forgive? I'm looking for a general perspective since I’ve never modeled a healthy relationship, but I want to build one of my own. I know we're both young and bound to slip up—what’s a reasonable amount of forgiveness to expect in the name of true love? What constitutes a healthy and constructive approach?

Sexual Problems and Intimacy • 1mo ago

Unusual sensation in that area.

I (FTM) have been in a relationship with my girlfriend (CF) for nearly two years, but we face a challenge: she won’t perform oral sex on me. This wouldn't be such a big deal if it weren't for the fact that she really enjoys receiving oral sex herself. She mentioned that I have a 'weird texture' down there, which has made me feel incredibly insecure, especially as a transgender man. My girlfriend is cisgender, so she doesn't fully understand my feelings about this. Hearing her comment about the texture has triggered my pre-existing anxiety, leading me to obsessively clean the area in an attempt to change it. Every time I bring up the possibility of trying again, she immediately shuts me down. Although she talks about it in messages and calls, it often feels like she just isn’t in the mood when we’re together. I’ve scrubbed so much that I’ve caused irritation and swelling, yet I still feel unclean. I don’t have any issues with odor or hygiene—I use a loofah and warm water to wash regularly. Hair isn’t a problem either; I actually don’t shave because it makes her uncomfortable. I keep it trimmed, but I’ve noticed that I’m starting to lose hair in that area for unknown reasons. Am I doing something wrong?

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

Is it acceptable for my boyfriend to invite a female friend as his plus one to a work Christmas party that we both attend? I’m 35, and he’s 34.

My boyfriend and I have been officially dating for four months, though we've been involved longer than that. The main challenge in our relationship stems from his many female friends—some of whom I know and some he claims I don’t, simply because the topic hasn't come up. I feel that in a committed relationship, it’s concerning for my partner to have an abundance of female friends with whom he texts, FaceTimes, and spends time privately. He disagrees, insisting he should be free to be friends with whomever he chooses. I'm not saying he can't have those friendships; I just find it troubling and worry it could lead to misunderstandings or unwanted feelings. We both work together and are attending our office Christmas party, where we’re allowed to bring a plus one. He mentioned it would be fine to bring a female friend, and I find that disrespectful and inappropriate. When I shared my feelings with him, he asked how that could be disrespectful and pointed out that I seem overly concerned with what others think, calling me insecure and childish. I struggled to articulate why it bothers me so much. Ultimately, I asked if he could give me a heads-up about whether he planned to bring a female friend. He responded by saying, "Why should I have to tell you? Why does it matter? I can bring whoever I want." What do you think about this situation?

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

I'm a 21-year-old guy, and I have a long-distance girlfriend who's also 21. I can't shake the feeling that she might be involved with someone else.

After being apart from my girlfriend for 12 weeks, I finally visited her. On the first day—after we were intimate—I sensed that something felt off. While driving, I noticed she dimmed her phone’s brightness to send a text and then brightened it again for navigation. Although this isn't definitive proof, it reminds me of subtle signs I’ve picked up in past relationships that hinted something might be amiss. I'm going with her for the holidays to meet her family (whom I've met before) and her friends (whom I haven't met yet). How should I approach this topic?

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

I'm a 20-year-old female professional belly dancer, and my boyfriend, who is 19 and we've been together for a year, is asking me to give it up.

I've been practicing belly dancing since I was five, and I now perform at various events, parties, and even private gatherings. However, my boyfriend isn't supportive of it; he feels insecure and has asked me to stop because it makes him uncomfortable. Dancing is my true passion, and it plays a significant role in my life. We've been together for a year and share a physical connection (we have sex nearly every other date). I care for him deeply, but his insecurity is starting to put a strain on our relationship. Should I give up dancing to make him happy, or should I prioritize my passion and consider ending the relationship? I'm really torn about this situation. What would you do?

Breakups and Divorces • 1mo ago

What happens if I don't conceive?

My boyfriend, 28, and I, 29, have been together for over seven years. We lived together for four years, and six months ago, we took the plunge and secured a loan to buy a house and lot. Throughout our relationship, I've frequently asked him when we would get married. His usual response has been that he wants to have a baby first. He has promised me that he will stay with me even if we don't end up having children. We've been trying to conceive for some time now, but it hasn’t happened yet. Last month, the doctor informed me that I have early signs of infertility, and I’m really scared about what that means. What if I end up being infertile? I worry that he might leave me. And what will happen to our house and everything we've built together? Three days ago, we had a fight, and I texted him suggesting we break up since I had blocked him on my social media accounts. I expressed that I was tired of the relationship and of him, but so far, he hasn’t reacted. We’re still sharing the same room but not communicating. I feel lost and overwhelmed. I’ve been diagnosed with emotional depression since 2018; it has its ups and downs but always seems to come back. I’ve struggled with thoughts of self-harm many times. Right now, I’m battling with my emotions, praying, and crying constantly. Please help me. I don’t know what to do in this situation. I love him, but I feel like I’ve reached my limit.

Dating and Starting Relationships • 1mo ago

Relationship problem—could you please assist your girl?

I met a guy on Hinge last year, and we've been chatting since December. We quickly became friends with benefits and even started sharing photos. Recently, he proposed to me, but I responded with, “Let’s meet first and see.” Despite my hesitations, he keeps pushing the idea that we’re dating now. The thing is, he doesn’t message me very often, and sometimes takes over six hours to respond, claiming he was busy. While I don’t see any signs of him being with someone else, I'm feeling uncertain. Most of our conversations happen at night, and when we do talk, he’s sweet and reassuring, insisting he wouldn’t cheat and that he wants to be the best partner for me. We have plans to meet this week, but I’m feeling conflicted. Should I wait until we meet to express my feelings, or should I bring up his erratic communication beforehand? Am I wasting my time, or is there something I'm overlooking?