Relationship advices: Trust and Jealousy

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

21-year-old male / 21-year-old female girlfriend has a past with her male friend.

My girlfriend and I had been together for 10 months when she admitted to kissing a close friend of hers a few months prior to our relationship. She reassured me that she never had any romantic feelings for him, but it made me reconsider a previous instance when she mentioned wanting to buy something from him but ended up spending over an hour driving around with him, which struck me as odd at the time. Intrigued about their connection, I reviewed their text messages and found some unsettling exchanges. Before we started dating, she had invited him to spend the night, and at one point, they spoke frequently. She maintains that she never had feelings for him, regrets the kiss, and asserts that they never discussed it again. While I can't alter what occurred before we met, what frustrates me is that she continued to make an effort to see and spend time with him while we were together. I've already tried to end things twice because I view her actions as a form of cheating; it’s hard to believe a girl would invite a guy over for a sleepover without some underlying attraction. She became distressed, insisting she doesn't want to be seen that way and believes we can still make it work, but honestly, I feel foolish for sticking around. Should I break up with her because I see this as cheating, or should I stay and hope she proves that she won’t engage in this behavior anymore?

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

34F in a long-term relationship with my best guy friend, who is 29M, for 11 years.

I have a friend whom I've known for years; we met in 2015 at work. That's also where I met my ex. Throughout my relationship, my best friend was always my rock, offering support and a shoulder to cry on. When I finally broke up with my ex, things took an unexpected turn. My best friend started flirting with me, and I went along with it until he suggested we get a hotel room. That caught me off guard, and I ended up ghosting him, feeling like he was treating me as if I were just another girl. Fast forward to 2024, and we've reconnected. We text every day, he sends me good morning messages, and tells me I'm beautiful. We spend hours watching movies on FaceTime, and he's persistent in reaching out if I don’t reply. I've started developing feelings for him. However, there's a complication: he’s active on Hinge and has been dating a girl. He talks to me about their dates, and I give him advice as his friend, but he keeps mentioning that this summer I can come to his place for the weekend because he has a pool, and he often offers to do things for me. I asked him how he thinks our friendship will work if he ends up in a serious relationship, and he confidently told me that I'm not going anywhere in his life, even if he falls in love. I replied, "I guess we'll see," but it's becoming increasingly difficult for me to handle his connection with this girl. Hearing the details he shares is really hard, yet I haven't found the courage to tell him how I feel. Just last night, we were finishing a movie on FaceTime after he returned from a date. The moment I picked up, his first words were, "Wow, you look so pretty." I thanked him, and then he asked, "How are you not married yet?" That really caught me off guard and left me feeling quite shaken.

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

My boyfriend who struggles with insecurity.

A few months ago, I entered a relationship with my boyfriend, and recently he has become increasingly insecure about my Instagram posts. He wants me to delete all of them because he thinks I look too attractive. I’m not revealing anything too provocative—just showing off my curvy body a little. Meanwhile, he’s posting what can only be described as his hottest pictures, with most of them being shirtless, and there aren’t many where he’s actually wearing clothes! He follows every girl on Instagram, and when I asked him about it, he said it was good for his reach. I requested that he stop, but he refused, explaining that he’s been doing this since he was single. I pointed out that he’s no longer single and that this behavior hurts me, but he’s focused on becoming an influencer and insists on following back every girl. I feel like I’m not his type since I have a curvy body, and he often sends me pictures of other girls, commenting on how cute or hot they are. He seems to find every lean girl attractive, which is starting to make me dislike my body. I’m about to turn 21, and I really need some advice on what to do in this situation.

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

Do you all know why she stopped having feelings?

I'm a 19-year-old guy, and I've been in a long-distance talking stage with an 18-year-old girl. Recently, she told me that she's lost her feelings and wants some space for a week. When I asked her why she felt this way, she admitted she wasn't sure. I'm considering what to say when she reaches out again because I can't shake the feeling that she might be interested in someone else while we've been talking.

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

My best friend's struggles with jealousy

Hello everyone! I'm new here (20f), so I apologize if my post is a bit off-topic or not suitable for this thread. I'm seeking advice on how to help my friend navigate her feelings about entering a relationship. Recently, my friend (20f) started developing feelings for a guy she likes (22m). Although they’re not exclusive yet, she’s mentioned that they both want to be. However, she’s been struggling with jealousy issues that seem quite intense, especially considering they haven’t officially started dating. Today, she was really upset to find out that he liked another girl's profile picture on Facebook. For some context, we come from a small town where it’s common for everyone from high school to like each other’s posts, so it was really just a casual interaction. Nevertheless, she’s reacting strongly to this, experiencing anxiety and even losing her appetite. She has a history of being cheated on, and it’s been two years since that happened. I genuinely want to see her happy, but I’m unsure how she can approach this potential relationship with a positive mindset and build trust. I'm reaching out to anyone who has experienced similar feelings of jealousy or has dealt with issues of trust after being cheated on. What strategies or insights have helped you overcome these challenges? Personally, I haven’t faced jealousy to this extent, so I’d appreciate any advice you can share. Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts! I truly want my friend to find happiness, but I’m worried that something as minor as this could throw her into a downward spiral before the relationship has even begun. Much love to all x

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

Should I be concerned before I begin dating this guy?

I've been planning to meet this guy, who lives in Canada, for the first time this August. I'm from the U.S., and we've been friends for nearly five years after connecting on RecRoom—yeah, it's a bit cheesy. Last night, during a discussion about relationships, he asked me: "Are you okay with your boyfriend being friends with other females?" I replied, "As long as there’s no emotional (as in romantic) or physical attraction involved, and it started and remains platonic, then yes." I feel this way because emotional cheating can happen unexpectedly, even to people who believe they would never cheat. Personally, I wouldn’t keep exes or former partners close when pursuing a new relationship. Moving on from past connections is easy for me, but it would be a different scenario if marriage and children were involved. I expect the same consideration from a partner. He mentioned he’s still friends with a girl he dated for about a year in middle or high school. Even though their relationship didn’t work out, they still stay in touch in case something develops in college. He also noted that they haven't had sex, and her boyfriend is usually around when they hang out. Since I've never dated before, I don’t get very jealous. I would never demand my partner stop being friends with someone, as it's ultimately their choice. Still, his comment caught me off guard. I’m running on just two hours of sleep, so I might just be anxious. I can’t tell if I should be concerned or if I’m simply overthinking things, especially since he doesn’t often share much about himself.

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

(21F and 23M) I'm suspecting that my boyfriend may have been unfaithful. What steps should I take?

I'm a 21-year-old female and my boyfriend is a 23-year-old male. We've been together for a year and a half. Recently, on February 1, 2025, he turned off his location, which is unusual for him. He typically lets me know when he does this, mainly because he usually turns it off to hide the fact that he didn’t go to work from his mom. But this time, he didn’t say anything to me. Earlier that day, I called and pointed out that his location showed he was at his workplace eight hours ago, but then later, it showed he was at home. His response was just, “Oh, that’s weird,” and then he asked if I had to work. When I told him I did, he said he went to work briefly but left early. Later that night, his location was completely off, showing “no location found.” I called him again and asked if he had turned off his location, and he confirmed that he did. When I asked why, he replied, “I don’t have a reason; I just did.” This was strange since he always insists that I keep my location on and never turn mine off. During our first call, instead of simply saying he had turned off his location, he just said, “Oh, that’s weird.” The story changed when I called again; he claimed he had been home all day and didn’t go to work, which doesn’t make sense because who turns off their location when they’re at home? Does this seem suspicious? To summarize: my boyfriend turned off his location at home for no reason, which is out of character for him. He usually only does this when he’s trying to avoid his mom finding out that he skipped work. Initially, he said he was at work early but then later claimed he was home all day. Does this suggest he might be cheating?

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

My boyfriend (24M) frequently brings up his previous relationship.

Hey, I've been dating my boyfriend (24M) for about a month now, and I’ve noticed that during our conversations, he often references memories with his ex. I understand he was with her for two years during college, so it's natural he would have some lingering thoughts. I've also moved on from my ex (23M) after a four-year relationship that was quite toxic, but I haven’t mentioned him once. For instance, while we were at a party, my boyfriend said, “When my ex and I were in college, we knew this one guy—” which seemed unnecessary to bring up. Later that night, after sharing a few drinks, I asked him about their breakup, and he casually mentioned, “She moved for her job,” before dozing off. Even though it's been two years since they split, I can't shake the feeling that he might still have feelings for her, and I worry that I’m just a stand-in. In short: My boyfriend frequently brings up his ex, and it makes me feel like I’m just a replacement.

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

My boyfriend is behaving suspiciously.

My boyfriend and I have been together for three months, and while things started off seemingly perfect (maybe I was a bit naive), I'm beginning to notice some concerning traits. For instance, he’s not a great driver, and it really worries me when I feel like he doesn't prioritize our safety. There was also a recent incident at a coffee shop where he spotted his ex’s car and didn’t want to go inside to avoid seeing her. I understood his feelings and went in alone. However, I later found out that he is still following her on social media. This bothers me, especially because he has spoken negatively about her in the past, describing her as "crazy" and detailing the issues that led to their breakup. Additionally, at the start of our relationship, he mentioned keeping pictures of his exes on his phone as sentimental mementos. I initially brushed it off, but it ended up bothering me. Even his friends advised him to delete them, which he eventually did after I expressed my discomfort. Another issue is that he often takes a few hours to respond to my texts or leaves me on read. His excuse is that he’s busy with schoolwork, or he prefers to reply only when he can give a thoughtful response rather than responding right away. There are more things weighing on my mind, but these stand out to me. What should I do?

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

What actions should I take?

I have a lot of unresolved feelings regarding my relationship. There was a moment when she rushed to see her ex-crush while we were together, eagerly exclaiming, "Oh, you're so handsome," right in front of me and everyone else. I was incredibly embarrassed. This happened a year ago, yet it still weighs heavily on my heart. I tried to discuss it with her, but she dismissed it as nothing. Eventually, when she finally acknowledged it, she said, "I was just excited to see him." That hit me hard—it felt like a punch to my soul. To make things worse, she was upset with me for being upset about it. For context, she doesn't allow me to have female friends. I love her deeply and truly, and I can’t imagine walking away from her. How can I work through these unresolved issues, either with her or without her?

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

Lost my boyfriend's trust (I need assistance)

I'm a 22-year-old female and my boyfriend is 23. We've been together for over seven months. Early in our relationship, I struggled with sneaking glances at other guys while I was with him. He later mentioned that this might suggest I was looking for something better or that I had a tendency to cheat. He even said it looked like I was giving “come-hither” looks. When he confronted me about it, I initially didn’t understand what he meant and ended up lying for about 20 minutes before I felt comfortable enough to confess the truth. I was scared and uncomfortable with my actions, especially since we were still in the early stages of our relationship. I have a complicated past and have lied about some minor details—I've had 24 partners, which I've always felt ashamed of. There were also a few instances where random men would text me wanting to hang out, but I had nothing to do with that. Honestly, I’d consider changing my phone number if I could. By this time in our relationship, I had already told him I loved him and moved in with him after just two months. One day after work, he asked if I'd slept with anyone else recently. He claimed it felt like I had, describing my physical state as wet and spacious. At first, I was confused because I had been at work all day, and I work at a preschool, so that was impossible. I ended up lying again, saying how great our sex was and that he was the best I'd ever had. The truth was that my birth control was affecting my sex drive, and I wasn't feeling turned on at all. I kept this from him for months, not wanting to escalate the issue since my libido was so low. He then began consistently accusing me of cheating. After I got fired from my job, I was with him constantly, but he still made accusations, even suggesting I might have brought someone into his home while he was asleep. It sounds absurd, but he attributes these thoughts to my early behavior and the lies I told. Do you think that lying is often a sign of cheating, or do people sometimes lie to make others feel better? I’ve always believed in the idea of lying to protect feelings, but maybe it’s time for me to be more genuine and upfront.

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

Navigating a relationship with an avoidant partner as someone with an anxious attachment style.

Hello everyone, I find myself in a challenging situation and could use some guidance. Recent experiences have led me to realize that seeking therapy might be beneficial for addressing my anxious attachment style. I’m a 27-year-old man in a situationship with a 34-year-old woman. We started as friends before deciding to become exclusive, which means we are aware of each other's backgrounds and challenges. I genuinely care for her and put effort into showing my love for our relationship. However, I've recognized that I sometimes self-sabotage, which is part of why I'm now seeking therapy. Our main struggle revolves around communication, especially during uncomfortable discussions where we need to meet halfway. I tend to exhibit an anxious attachment style, while she leans toward avoidant patterns. In conversations, I often start by acknowledging my mistakes before addressing what she's done that contributed to my feelings. Unfortunately, this often leads to defensiveness or stonewalling from her, as it seems to be her way of coping with difficult topics. My aim has always been to navigate our past traumas together. While I once shared her avoidant tendencies, I now strive to be open to discussing uncomfortable matters with her. When I point out her actions, it's not meant as an attack but rather as a plea for accountability. I also acknowledge my faults when she brings them up, taking note to improve upon them. Unlike in my previous relationships, things have become complicated in this one over the past few months. I’ve begun to realize that my anxious attachment might be causing me to feel insecure. When we made the decision to be exclusive, she expressed a desire for me not to engage with other women. I respected that wish, but as time passed, I noticed she maintained contact with her exes, which caused discomfort for me. I’ve voiced my feelings around her flirting with other guys online and communicating with her exes, who she maintains are just friends—despite their romantic interest in her. I understand that I can’t control her choices, but it feels unjust that I invest in our relationship while she seems to do otherwise. Whenever I bring this up, she tends to become defensive, insisting I have no reason to distrust her and that her actions are none of my business. While I see her perspective, I struggle to comprehend why we committed to exclusivity if she intends to act in ways that contradict that agreement. An additional issue arose when she began working with a guy who previously expressed romantic interest in her. I had asked her to inform me when he was present at the gym where she works, especially since we both acknowledged the discomfort this could cause. Two weeks ago, he got hired, and I made the mistake of looking through her phone, where I found messages that seem to undermine our exclusivity. I acknowledge that my actions were wrong, but when she tells me to “not worry about it” or “forget about it,” I can’t help but feel insecure, believing she’s not being fully open with me. I confessed to looking through her phone, which understandably hurt her and led to defensiveness. Since then, I’ve felt uncertain. I’ve respected her requests not to talk to others to prevent causing her hurt, yet she doesn’t recognize that her actions are causing me pain too. I’ve yet to hear her apologize, and I want her to understand my perspective. When we attempt to discuss these matters, she often withdraws and stonewalls me. Recently, I reached out to one of her exes, as he was on her restricted list on Instagram, just to gauge where things stood between them. He indicated that he still had feelings for her and that she misses him. When I shared this with her, she reacted strongly and defensively. I tried to explain my reasoning, stemming from our previous conversations often ending without clarity. Since that discussion, she has seemed more distant, and currently, we’re on a break. Throughout the week, we communicated, and yesterday we attempted to have a serious discussion about our next steps. I’m committed to improving our communication, but during our conversation, she went quiet for two hours while closing at work. Typically, I check in to ensure she’s safe at home, but she didn’t respond until I called again, at which point I felt something was off. I later discovered she had a male friend over, which made me feel uneasy. I expressed that she should have been honest about her company. While I keep her informed about who I’m with, she insists it’s none of my business who she sees, which I agree with but still find odd given our situation. After leaving her apartment, we stayed on the phone for about an hour, during which she expressed frustration, stating that my behavior over the recent months has caused her to distance herself from me. All I want is for us to meet in the middle and communicate openly, like I try to do. At this point, I’m unsure about our next steps. Despite everything, I still have deep feelings for her, but she struggles to recognize where she’s made mistakes and hasn’t shown a willingness to seek professional help or understand the impact of her actions. It’s tough because I think I would feel differently if we weren’t exclusive and she was comfortable talking to other men, but having invested so much time and energy into this relationship, the way I feel is deeply affecting me. I’m frustrated because I want to address these issues without her becoming defensive and lashing out. I apologize for the lengthy message, but I really am at a loss. However, I look forward to starting therapy soon.

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

I caught my boyfriend in a blatant lie.

A few months after moving in together, I discovered my boyfriend (30) on Instagram. I tried to add him and noticed that he mainly followed attractive girls. It was a bit heartbreaking, as it would be for any woman. He claimed he followed them to find outfit inspiration for me, even though none of them resembled me. He later assured me he deleted his account and app, saying I should be pleased that he had no posts. Then, a few months ago, I found him on TikTok. While he wasn't following any attractive women there, he was following an ex-girlfriend, despite telling me he had unfollowed her everywhere. When I tried to add him again, he said he had deleted his account. This morning, we learned that TikTok had been banned in the U.S. He casually said, “Let me check my account to see if it’s true. Oh, I can’t get in.” My heart sank. All this time, I had trusted him, only to realize he might have just blocked me. I don’t understand why he would lie about something like this. Am I wrong for feeling upset and hurt? How can I confront him about the lie? Should I let it go or consider ending the relationship? I really don’t know what to do and don’t have anyone to talk to. Please help.

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

I undermined my partner's trust.

**Seeking Guidance: I Broke My Girlfriend's Trust** I violated my girlfriend’s trust by looking through her photos on the Amazon Prime stick. **TL;DR:** I (34F) invaded my girlfriend’s (42F) privacy by going through her photos, and I feel terrible about it. Is it possible to rebuild her trust? **Backstory:** We’ve been close friends for several years and started dating about 8 months ago. I struggle with bipolar disorder type 2 and severe anxiety. A couple of weeks ago, I had an episode that led to some passive-aggressive comments, resulting in a fight and a subsequent three-day panic attack because she wasn’t speaking to me. Her Amazon Prime stick is connected to my TV, and in a moment of vulnerability, I looked through her photos. I missed her and wanted to feel connected, but I know that's not an excuse for invading her privacy, and I deeply regret my actions. Last night, while we were watching TV, she noticed the app in the recently used section and confronted me about it. Initially, I panicked and tried to deny it, claiming I had no idea how it got there. She became upset, fearing that her kids or mom—who also have access to her Amazon account—might have seen the photos. Unable to maintain the lie, I confessed. The look on her face was heart-wrenching; it was clear I had completely shattered her trust. I didn’t realize how much her privacy meant to her, and I know I’ve made a huge mistake. She thanked me for my honesty but chose to stay in another room at my place that night. This morning, she texted me asking for space and requested that I not try to shift the focus onto my feelings or pressure her to talk. She also canceled our weekend plans that we’d been looking forward to for months. I’m doing my best to avoid self-pity and to honor her need for distance. I just hope someone can reassure me that there’s a possibility for us to move past this and that I can earn back her trust.

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

Boyfriend going overseas with a female friend

**Summary:** I'm a 19-year-old female and my boyfriend, who is 20, and I have been together for nearly three years. We see each other every weekend, as we live in the same hometown, but attend colleges that are a bit apart. My boyfriend has the chance to travel abroad for two weeks through a program his female friend informed him about. She is also applying, and he decided to join in. They previously went to Europe together for an exchange program over the summer, which made me feel jealous since they had made that trip before us. Now, he might go to Asia for two weeks, while I've invited him to visit my home country with my family, who is willing to cover his ticket. Unfortunately, my trip to my home country is scheduled for the same time as the potential Asia trip. If he gets into the program, he'll choose that over coming with me. I can’t shake off the feeling that it’s unfair he’s traveled with her before and could do so again. While I recognize it's an amazing opportunity for him, I'm struggling with the jealousy of him experiencing a different culture with someone else—especially since I've always wanted to travel to Asia with him. How can I manage my feelings and be more supportive instead of feeling jealous?

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

CIS F20, FTM 23

My transgender boyfriend has been accusing me of cheating for quite some time now, and I find it really strange. He seems to be overly suspicious, especially considering I've had male friends before we started dating and have since been adding random people just to chat. This has happened while he's had access to my passwords, which he requested to feel more secure in our relationship. I don’t think sending casual selfies to someone is wrong, especially since I removed my male friends from my social media. Despite that, he still suspects me. What’s troubling is that he frequently shows me another woman’s profile on social media, claiming they’re just friends, yet when I ask to see their conversations, he dodges the question. Instead, he tells me he planned to confront me about infidelity because he didn't believe anyone who said I wasn’t cheating, even after seeing my messages. This logic doesn't make sense to me. I’ve always reassured him and included him in my conversations, and at the beginning of our relationship, he didn’t accuse me like this. I really don’t appreciate being put in a position where I have to prove my loyalty when he isn’t doing the same for me. It feels wrong, and I think it reflects a lack of trust. If he knew he wouldn’t reciprocate the transparency I offered, I’m confused as to why he waited so long to acknowledge he has another woman on his social media. I feel sad and hurt by his behavior, and it definitely doesn't seem fair. Just because he’s transgender doesn’t mean he’s above cheating, and yet he continues to get mad at me and twist things around when I ask him about it. He’s been unfairly accusatory without providing any proof of his own, and I believe I have every right to feel upset about the whole situation. To make matters worse, he hasn’t given me any of his passwords or shared the same openness I've shown him. Honestly, it feels like a betrayal, and I’m unsure how to navigate this. I need some perspective on what’s happening.

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

Best friend and boyfriend

I’m a 19-year-old female and I’m currently dating a 21-year-old guy. We used to date in high school, but we broke up and lost touch for three years. Recently, we managed to reconnect and get back together. He just revealed to me that six months after our breakup, he kissed my best friend, who is 20 now. He mentioned they were both drunk and quickly realized it was a mistake, but it really hurts to know that this happened while we were friends. Now, two and a half years later, I’m just finding out about it, and I’m unsure how to react or if I should confront him about it. What hurts the most is that she chose not to tell me. Should I be concerned about this, or is it something I should let go?

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

Does my girlfriend still have feelings for her previous relationships?

This is my first post, so please go easy on me! I’m not great with tech, so I might be overthinking things. I’m a 25-year-old guy and she’s a 21-year-old girl. We’ve been dating for three months. Recently, she lent me her MacBook since mine was broken and I was waiting for a new one. While she stepped out, I accidentally looked through her photos. I found images of her old exes, and there are also some exes in her favorites. Now, I’m wondering with all this iCloud photo syncing—when I delete photos from my iPhone, do they automatically get deleted from her Mac? I just tried it on my new Mac, and photos I delete from my iPhone don’t get removed from the Mac. Am I overreacting, or has she kept these for a reason? I could really use some advice, because I'm feeling a bit lost!

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

Am I considering divorce?

I'm a 33-year-old woman, and my 32-year-old husband and I have been experiencing some really tough months. He has a close friendship with a female coworker, and I've expressed my discomfort about her texting him daily. To sum it up, he made me feel like I was being jealous or needy for bringing it up, until the work Christmas party when she revealed that she has feelings for him. This situation isn't just a one-time mistake; it seems to be a recurring pattern for him. We've been together for 13 years and have two young kids, ages 6 and 4. Throughout his various jobs, he has developed close friendships with female colleagues. I want to clarify that I genuinely believe he hasn't cheated on me. We have each other's phone passwords, and I don’t think he would betray me in that way. However, he has hurt me by disregarding my feelings and continuing behaviors that make me uncomfortable. We're currently going through a separation, and he plans to move out soon. I'm coming to terms with the idea of not being together, as I’ve felt lonely for quite some time. He and I don’t seem to be on the same page when it comes to intimacy, and he doesn’t show much affection. Despite this, I still have lingering doubts about whether we should try to work things out. I recognize deep down that we may need to separate, but I can’t help but wonder if I’m making the wrong choice.

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

I'm starting to feel uneasy about my boyfriend's new coworker.

I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for just over five years now. Recently, he received a promotion, and they brought in a much younger woman to fill his previous role. Ever since, I've been sensing some unusual vibes. To start, after her interview, she privately messaged him to thank him personally, even though there were two other managers involved in the hiring process. She invited him to reach out if he needed anything and expressed excitement about hearing back from them. He replied, complimenting her interview skills. I want to clarify that I wasn't snooping; I was sitting right next to him when he responded. I find it a bit unprofessional for a candidate to reach out like that instead of sending a standard thank-you email, and when I mentioned it, he became defensive. They've been exchanging texts throughout the week, which is understandable since they'll be coworkers moving forward. He hasn't hidden much of what she's said, but some of their conversations seem a bit flirty. I also noticed him looking her up on Instagram, which he rarely does. Given her age and attractiveness, many of her photos are revealing or feature her posing in the gym, which makes me uneasy. With her training starting soon, they'll be spending a lot of time together, and it's increasing my anxiety. For context, I've never felt this way about any other girl or situation during our relationship—this is a first for me. I'm not quite sure how to approach this. He isn't outright hiding anything, but after a couple of weeks of working together, she's begun calling him "papa," which strikes me as odd. I'm unsure how to express my discomfort without coming off as jealous.

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

25-year-old female, 28-year-old male: my boyfriend changed our screensaver.

Lately, I've been feeling a bit out of sorts, especially after my boyfriend came over to take care of me while I was sick. He brought me food and kept me company while I worked on my college assignments, which I genuinely appreciated. I even made him some food since he only brought a little for me. However, during our time together, I noticed something strange—he changed his screensaver of us back to his original one. This felt hurtful and made me wonder if he was concealing something or if he simply didn’t want anyone to see it. This observation led to an argument. He insisted that he has every right to change his screensaver whenever he wants and didn't think he needed my permission. He pointed out that the core of our discussion stemmed from my issues and said it was on me to express if I wanted him to keep the picture of us. He also mentioned that conveying this through anger and emotions wasn’t acceptable. I’m concerned I might be coming across as overly negative. Am I reading too deeply into this situation? I acknowledge my part in how I managed my feelings, but I still feel uneasy, particularly since he has a female friend visiting from abroad and they're planning to hang out this Saturday. It’s hard not to wonder if his decision to change the screensaver is connected to that, especially since he hadn’t changed it until now.

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

I'm a 19-year-old woman, and I'm trying to figure out if my 19-year-old boyfriend lacks self-esteem or if he's just being a jerk.

My boyfriend has been texting several girls in a flirty manner on behalf of his male best friend to "help him find a potential partner." The conversations have turned out to be quite personal, which makes me wonder whether my boyfriend is simply naive or if he’s enjoying the chance to chat with other girls while in a committed relationship. I'd really appreciate some insight from guys on this too! 🕳👩‍🦯

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

I discovered my girlfriend discussing plans to leave me in some text messages.

I'm a 26-year-old guy, and my girlfriend is 25. We've been together for almost nine years, and like any relationship, we've had our ups and downs. Overall, I thought we were doing pretty well. We moved out of our parents' homes together at 17 or 18, and we both share a house along with our eight-year-old dog, who we raised together since he was a puppy. Every day after work, we take him for walks and visit parks. My girlfriend works from home in a job that involves computer work and meetings, although she sometimes has free time. She has a close friend from high school named Natalie, who lives five hours south, and occasionally, my girlfriend visits her and her two sisters for about a week at a time. Now, for the more complicated part. In July 2024, my girlfriend invited Natalie and her sisters over for a sleepover. They asked me to get them MDMA/molly, and I unwittingly agreed, thinking they just wanted to have some fun. However, they ended up spending four hours locked in the bathroom, giggling and whispering, while I sat downstairs feeling neglected and wanting to sleep. After trying to distract myself for too long, I finally lost my cool, banged on the door, and demanded to know what was going on. I accused them of being intimate in a jealous panic, and things escalated into a heated argument. After that night, my girlfriend and I struggled to rebuild trust. Months passed, and despite my attempts to work through it, she began threatening to break up with me over how I handled things that night. I've tried to adjust my schedule to align with hers so we can spend more time together, especially since the chilly weather makes early mornings challenging for me. Despite my efforts to prioritize her, she has grown increasingly distant over the last few months. Recently, I noticed her phone password had changed, which was unusual for us since we've typically shared that kind of information. When I discovered her new password, I snooped and found concerning text messages between her and Natalie. They were discussing potential rental applications and plans to leave me. This realization has left me feeling deceived and confused. Now, as Valentine's Day approaches, I'm conflicted about planning for it, knowing she seems to be plotting her exit. Friends around me suggest I let her go and focus on myself, but I feel like we've invested too much into our relationship to end it over one bad night. I worry about how our dog will react to such a big change. I'm seeking advice: Is this worth fighting for? Am I being irrational or unreasonable? Is she overreacting, influenced by her friend's opinions? What should I do in this situation? Any guidance would be appreciated before things escalate further. Thank you for your input.

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

Is it ROCD or simply trauma?

My partner and I have been together for nearly two years. About a year ago, he was caught lying about his communication with a woman from his past. They knew each other a long time ago, but there was nothing romantic or sexual between them. They ran into each other while he was at work, and he didn’t tell me about it. Instead, he lied about seeing her and even deleted their messages on Instagram. Since then, there have been other "understandable" lies regarding his issues with erectile dysfunction, and I discovered that his Instagram search was filled with pictures of other women—he initially didn’t admit that he was looking at them for that purpose. Now, I find myself constantly questioning whether this relationship is right for me. I analyze everything he does, even minor things like him getting off work 15 minutes later than usual. He works in construction, but his office is in the same building where this woman goes to the gym, which makes me anxious about the possibility of them running into each other again each day. I feel like I can’t find any peace of mind. Is this a case of Relationship Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (ROCD) that can be resolved with him, or did he fundamentally mess things up, leading to my deteriorating mental health? I would appreciate any advice you could offer. Thank you in advance.

Trust and Jealousy • 1mo ago

My 25-year-old boyfriend didn't mention that his previous crushes would be at the same event as us, and I'm 25 too.

Hello dear Community, I’d like to share a story that has been on my mind since last week, and I’m seeking your advice on how to proceed. This situation has been emotionally taxing for both me and my boyfriend, yet I can’t seem to shake it off. **Background:** My boyfriend (25) and I (25) began dating in mid-June 2024, officially coming together in July. Our relationship has been progressing nicely, and we've started planning our long-term future together. He introduced me to his parents in September 2024, and we moved in together that same month, while I kept my own apartment as well. This isn’t my first relationship, but it is for him. I experienced deep betrayal in a previous relationship when my ex suggested an open relationship due to the challenges of long-distance—even though we could have met a couple of times a week. I ultimately chose to end that relationship because I valued loyalty and emotional support. In this relationship, we’ve also discussed our desire for children and building a family, even starting to look for an apartment together to move in by September. Everything felt wonderful until December 2024. We attended a birthday party in another city hosted by a friend of his whom he met on a trip in September 2023. I didn’t think much of it when he mentioned another person with the same name, but upon arrival, I realized it was actually a girl. She approached us while we were sitting together and remarked, "You look so sad—are you bored?" I politely replied that I wasn’t, and though she left a moment later, I didn’t feel comfortable with her directness. Later, she returned, standing uncomfortably close to us and asking how we were doing. My boyfriend responded kindly, but afterward mentioned that it seemed odd for her to leave with another male guest later that evening. I shared my discomfort with him, and while he tried to reassure me, I was still unsettled. I later discovered they were following each other on Instagram, which struck me as odd considering he had only “seen” her a few times. I asked him to unfollow her, and he complied. Things seemed to settle until mid-January when I inquired about another girl he was following. He revealed that he had a crush on her during their trip and had even tried to pursue her despite her being in a relationship at the time. She also had been invited to the same party we attended, but couldn’t attend due to distance. Their history and continued connection made me uncomfortable, especially since he hadn’t mentioned her before. He assured me that he loved me and didn’t think it was relevant. I felt betrayed by the omission, especially considering the potential impact on our relationship had she attended the gathering. I managed to address some of these concerns with him, and he removed her from Instagram and deleted their chat history. However, I learned that he had also previously attempted to date the earlier girl I mentioned before but was brushed off. The fact that both ex-crushes were at the same party without him mentioning it to me feels heavy on my heart. Now, I find myself at my office, writing this message to sort through my thoughts and seek your insights. I want to move forward but fear that my past experiences might have left me vulnerable to similar emotional wounds. I would appreciate any advice or thoughts you might have.

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