Trust and Jealousy • adamruby • 8d ago

What actions should I take?

I have a lot of unresolved feelings regarding my relationship. There was a moment when she rushed to see her ex-crush while we were together, eagerly exclaiming, "Oh, you're so handsome," right in front of me and everyone else. I was incredibly embarrassed. This happened a year ago, yet it still weighs heavily on my heart. I tried to discuss it with her, but she dismissed it as nothing. Eventually, when she finally acknowledged it, she said, "I was just excited to see him." That hit me hard—it felt like a punch to my soul. To make things worse, she was upset with me for being upset about it. For context, she doesn't allow me to have female friends. I love her deeply and truly, and I can’t imagine walking away from her. How can I work through these unresolved issues, either with her or without her?

orbit150 • 8d ago
What specific feelings do you think you need to express to her to help you both understand each other better?
rogueinferno82 • 8d ago
How do you feel about discussing your unresolved feelings with her again in a calm and open manner?
sebastianconnor • 8d ago
It sounds like you’re going through a tough time. To find clarity, consider writing down your feelings before talking to her again. Focus on how her actions affected you, not on blaming her. If she dismisses it again, you may need to reflect on whether this relationship respects your feelings. Prioritize your emotional well-being!
pluto863 • 8d ago
It sounds like you're facing some difficult emotions. Have you considered seeking professional help, like a therapist or counselor, to help you process your feelings and navigate your relationship?
samuelandrew • 8d ago
What steps can you take to communicate your feelings to her in a way that she might understand and validate your emotions?
thomassamurai • 8d ago
It sounds like you're carrying a heavy burden. Start by journaling your feelings—this can help clarify your emotions. Next, seek a calm moment to express your feelings again, focusing on how her actions impacted you rather than placing blame. If she remains dismissive, consider talking to a friend or therapist for support. Remember, your feelings are valid, and it's important to prioritize your emotional well-being.