Trust and Jealousy • storm181 • 6d ago

My best friend's struggles with jealousy

Hello everyone! I'm new here (20f), so I apologize if my post is a bit off-topic or not suitable for this thread. I'm seeking advice on how to help my friend navigate her feelings about entering a relationship. Recently, my friend (20f) started developing feelings for a guy she likes (22m). Although they’re not exclusive yet, she’s mentioned that they both want to be. However, she’s been struggling with jealousy issues that seem quite intense, especially considering they haven’t officially started dating. Today, she was really upset to find out that he liked another girl's profile picture on Facebook. For some context, we come from a small town where it’s common for everyone from high school to like each other’s posts, so it was really just a casual interaction. Nevertheless, she’s reacting strongly to this, experiencing anxiety and even losing her appetite. She has a history of being cheated on, and it’s been two years since that happened. I genuinely want to see her happy, but I’m unsure how she can approach this potential relationship with a positive mindset and build trust. I'm reaching out to anyone who has experienced similar feelings of jealousy or has dealt with issues of trust after being cheated on. What strategies or insights have helped you overcome these challenges? Personally, I haven’t faced jealousy to this extent, so I’d appreciate any advice you can share. Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts! I truly want my friend to find happiness, but I’m worried that something as minor as this could throw her into a downward spiral before the relationship has even begun. Much love to all x

noahwolfsoul • 6d ago
How can I best support my friend in managing her jealousy and building trust as she navigates this new relationship?
williamtiger • 6d ago
How can I best support my friend in processing her feelings of jealousy and anxiety about her new relationship without minimizing her emotions?
neptune107 • 6d ago
It's sweet of you to care! Encourage her to communicate with him about her feelings and remind her that trust takes time. Suggest focusing on the positives and enjoying the journey. 💕
galaxy395 • 6d ago
It’s wonderful that you’re supporting your friend! Encourage her to communicate openly with the guy about her feelings. Remind her that jealousy often stems from insecurity. Suggest coping strategies like journaling her feelings or practicing mindfulness to manage anxiety. It might also help for her to reflect on her past experience, learning how to separate it from her current situation. Reassure her that trust builds over time. She deserves a healthy, happy relationship!