Relationship advices: Dating and Starting Relationships

Dating and Starting Relationships • 1mo ago

Did I give him the wrong impression?

**TL;DR: I feel like I may have led him on, and I need some advice.** I (20F) was talking to a guy (20M) for about 3-4 weeks, but it ended because we saw things differently on several topics. I now feel like I may have unintentionally led him on, even though that was never my intention. He was the one who expressed interest first, so I decided to explore where it could go, and I communicated that to him. As we got more comfortable, I shared what I liked about him, but I wasn’t ready to pursue a relationship just yet since I thought it was too soon. Around week two, while we were getting cozy and cuddling, he mentioned wanting to kiss me. I wasn’t ready, as I wanted to be sure about my feelings before taking that step. He encouraged me to make the first move, wanting me to feel comfortable. However, he frequently brought up the idea of kissing and compared it to my previous talking stages. I explained that from those experiences, I learned that I didn’t want to rush into anything unless I was serious about the person. Eventually, I sensed that we weren’t on the same page, but I still held out hope that things might work out. However, he began to make me feel guilty for not having kissed him, which led me to do it just to end the conversation. Afterward, I felt uncomfortable and expressed to him that it shouldn’t have happened like that—that I felt pressured. He insisted it was never his intention to make me feel that way, but he got upset when I didn’t word things more softly, which I understand, but I wanted to be honest about my feelings. We decided to end things after one last meeting, during which he kissed me despite our previous conversation where I had said I wasn’t ready for that. That day, he asked if I ever had feelings for him, and I admitted I wasn’t sure because I wanted to take my time getting to know him. I later realized that my lack of physical attraction was holding me back, although I appreciated many of his other qualities. When I conveyed this, he seemed hurt and interpreted it as me calling him ugly, which wasn’t my intention—just that I wasn’t physically attracted to him. Now I feel guilty, thinking I might have led him on when that was never my goal, but I also recognize that he placed undue pressure on the kissing aspect. I asked him directly if he felt led on, and he said no, yet he continued to act hurt afterward. After we stopped talking, he invited me to hang out as friends, but I declined, explaining why it wouldn’t be a good idea. His reaction was to get upset, which felt quite childish to me. I don’t know what to do next. Can someone please give me some advice?

Dating and Starting Relationships • 1mo ago

She told him, "You're just a friend..."

I'm a 23-year-old male and she's a 20-year-old female. We met in college, and I've had a crush on her for quite a while. Eventually, I confessed my feelings, and while she didn’t get angry, she didn’t give me a clear answer either. I kept trying to reach out, sending memes about having a crush and similar things. Today, I asked her, "Will you be my valentine?" She responded by saying, "Sorry, you're just a friend to me, and I don't want to date a friend. Don't keep your hopes up about us dating." She’s the second girl I’ve been really interested in, and my feelings for her have grown from simply liking her to genuinely loving her. Should I keep pursuing her or just let go? I'm torn between my mind, which says to move on, and my heart, which believes she’s the one for me. What should I do? Is she hinting that I should try harder?

Dating and Starting Relationships • 1mo ago

The potential partner is interested in casually engaging with other women.

I've (23F) been seeing a guy (23M) from Tinder for a few weeks, and last night he expressed his desire to have a serious relationship with me, but he doesn't want to be sexually exclusive. During our time together, I've been focused on him and haven't pursued anyone else, but he has gone on dates with other women. He claims he doesn’t view them as highly as me and hasn’t been physical with any of them. He mentioned that he craves the idea of exploring his sexuality with multiple women throughout the week or year. Nevertheless, he values our time together—our dates, deep conversations, and the support we provide each other in our personal growth. When we're together, the time flies because we genuinely enjoy each other's company, and he shows he cares by paying for meals, covering my petrol, taking me to places I would like, and truly listening to what I have to say. Although he needs to visit his parents who live six hours away, he’s delayed it to spend more time with me. I've been single for two years, struggling to find a connection like this, and I'm hesitant to walk away. I feel a bond with him that I doubt I'll find again. We have a satisfying sexual relationship, but he keeps insisting that he longs for the experience of being with multiple women purely for pleasure, without any emotional involvement. He views sex as a physical act without personal or romantic implications. I want a serious relationship that encompasses exclusivity in every way, but I'm torn because I genuinely feel a connection with him that I haven’t felt in a long time. I fear that while he claims to seek fun, there’s a risk of emotional entanglement developing with other women. He’s never had a "hoe phase," and I’m unsure if this desire is just a phase or a deeper yearning for exploration. He even mentioned that he ended his last relationship because he felt the urge to see other women but didn’t want to cheat. After discussing all of this for nearly three hours last night, he broke down in tears, expressing how much he would miss me and fearing I wouldn’t return after leaving. He’s since reached out, saying he’s unsure of the right path forward and feels conflicted between his attraction to me and his sexual drive for other women. Given how much we enjoy each other, should we just be friends with or without benefits? I'm feeling incredibly emotionally confused about everything—last night, I couldn’t sleep, and I’ve lost my appetite. I really need some guidance.

Dating and Starting Relationships • 1mo ago

Connection between my boyfriend (38M) and me (28F)?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for two months, but it feels much longer. We’ve known each other for three months now. We first met during a work trip for emergency disaster relief, and I can’t quite explain it, but we clicked instantly. We were seated next to each other in the van and have been inseparable ever since. We shared every meal together and worked alongside each other for 12-hour shifts, always finding time to hang out afterward. He would come to my hotel room to watch TV with me, and ever since that trip, we’ve been together. Now, we meet up several times a week, and our relationship has blossomed. Is it odd that it feels like we’ve known each other our whole lives? He’s even talking about the future—marriage and kids. It honestly feels like we were meant to be. We never experienced any awkward phases. What do you think? Was this meant to happen?

Dating and Starting Relationships • 1mo ago

Update: I'm attempting to befriend this American guy, but things are starting to feel strange and frustrating.

I've been chatting with an American guy in his twenties, and since I don’t feel like we know each other well enough yet, I suggested we just be friends for the time being. He agreed, and we decided to talk more regularly to build a solid friendship. Recently, I told him I’d call him while I was on my way home, but when I tried, my network failed, and the call didn’t go through. Later on, I called again and mentioned that I attempted to reach him earlier, and he responded, “No, you didn’t. You can admit it.” This frustrated me because I genuinely tried to connect, and he acted as if I were lying. Another thing getting to me is his frequent comments about just making money, which feel dismissive. It's like he's trying too hard to come across as busy and important, and it’s becoming repetitive and annoying. He often talks about how God shows him visions of people as “snakes” or disloyal, which I suspect may be aimed at me. This really irritates me since I’ve done nothing to warrant that kind of accusation. I don’t owe him anything, and we’re still in the early stages of getting to know each other, so it seems unfair for him to project these strange notions onto me. At one point, he asked, “Why did you choose me?” as if there was some profound reason behind it. Honestly, I didn’t “choose” him; I just thought we could be friends because we had some common interests. But his behavior is making me rethink even trying. When I mentioned I talk to other guys because we’re just friends, he asked, “Why me?” This behavior baffles me, especially since I'm not exclusively speaking to him. Sure, he’s good-looking, but his attitude is starting to make him seem less appealing. I never claimed he was the only one I was talking to; it's clear I'm doing the same with others, but I treat him a bit differently. The last straw came when I forgot to call him one day due to school and other responsibilities. He responded with, “I don’t expect anything from you now,” in a passive-aggressive way, as if I did something wrong just for being busy. Excuse me, but I have a life. This whole situation is becoming overwhelming. His dramatic behavior and delusions of love for someone he barely knows are draining. I’ve tried to be understanding, but it’s exhausting. Things escalated today when we argued over some rude comments he made. He claimed it was very one-sided, saying I only think of him when I’m bored or have no one else to talk to. This hurt because it felt like he was accusing me of only reaching out when I had nothing better to do, which isn’t true. He expressed disappointment and claimed I’m just a party girl who isn’t ready for his vision of life. He talked about wanting a family while I just want to have fun, which felt like a huge assumption. He even said that by the time I’m ready to settle down, all the good guys will be taken. He remarked, “I don’t want to feel strung along or sidelined,” and said it’s unattractive when I’m “always sleeping or out late.” He wrapped up by saying I’m a sweet, beautiful girl, but that I’m “just not right for him.” Honestly, I’m feeling exhausted by all this pressure and his assumptions. I thought we could just be friends, but now it seems like he’s expecting more than I can offer. I’m just 18, trying to figure things out, and I don’t need this emotional burden.

Dating and Starting Relationships • 1mo ago

I'm a 29-year-old man and I've found myself in two half-relationships simultaneously while dealing with cancer. What should I do?

Here's a rewritten version of your text: To provide some background: Last year, I was diagnosed with cancer and underwent chemotherapy. While I eventually regained my health, the aftermath left me feeling isolated, leading me to escape through alcohol, which spiraled out of control. Emotionally, I’m still struggling and feel like a complete wreck. Just last week, I received the distressing news that my cancer has returned, and I’ll need surgery, possibly followed by more chemotherapy. Understandably, I’m feeling overwhelmed with anxiety. I met Girl A while traveling abroad for a few days. Shortly after our meeting, I had to rush home due to my cancer diagnosis. We’ve kept in touch ever since. She is genuinely wonderful—understanding, intelligent, and surprisingly fond of me. Our beliefs and ways of thinking align remarkably well, which is rare for me. I’ve been upfront with her about my lowest moments, including my battle with alcoholism. She seems to understand me better than anyone ever has, and I hold her in high regard. However, I find myself struggling to feel much emotionally. It’s strange because on paper she seems perfect, yet my feelings for her are more of appreciation for her kindness rather than any romantic attraction. She plans to visit and care for me post-surgery, and I dread the thought of hurting or betraying her. Then there’s Girl B, my ex. While she carries her own baggage, she’s the only person I’ve ever truly loved. She’s incredibly beautiful and possesses a kind, insightful nature. Although we’re quite different, I feel that after nearly a year of no contact and two years apart, I understand and love her more now than I did when we were together. I hurt our relationship by not being fully present, but I’ve grown a lot since then. Unfortunately, she didn’t support me during my chemotherapy; she canceled visits last minute, which really hurt, though I’ve since forgiven her since she had her own struggles to deal with. Those times were incredibly lonely and tough, and her absence made it worse. Recently, we’ve started talking again, engaging in honest and meaningful conversations. She even visited me during detox, which meant a lot and showed her acceptance of me at my lowest point. Now, she’s expressed that she sees a future together. So, where do I go from here? I don’t want to hurt either of these women. I also don’t want to face my cancer journey alone, no matter how selfish that may seem. I hold out hope that my feelings for Girl A might grow; she truly seems ideal, but it hasn't happened over the past year. Part of me wants to withdraw from both relationships, claiming I need to navigate my cancer journey alone, but I know that isn’t a healthy approach. I’m not in a committed relationship with either of them, so technically there’s no cheating, but it feels that way. Throughout this experience, I’ve become more open and learned to express vulnerability, which has positively impacted my relationships, but I’m still wrestling with confusion and a lot of personal struggles. Cancer really plays with your emotions. I apologize if this post seems jumbled; the upcoming surgery has my usual overthinking running rampant.

Dating and Starting Relationships • 1mo ago

When is he going to invite me on a date?

We've been chatting for around a year and a half. He was in a two-year relationship, and I had a four-year one. I didn't expect to be ready to date again, but now I feel like I might be. We've explored many places together and spend nearly every day in each other's company. However, he still hasn't asked me out officially, which leaves me wondering if he shares my feelings. What do you all think? Do you believe he’ll ask me out by the end of the year?

Dating and Starting Relationships • 1mo ago

Should I, a 18-year-old female, continue seeing this 19-year-old female? She’s giving me a lot of mixed signals.

Hey, so I'm 18F and I started dating a 19F when I was 17. She genuinely seems to care about me when we text, and she even sent me dried roses in a frame for my 18th birthday. However, I'm a bit confused because she rarely initiates texts. I understand she's currently in the hospital (where she’s been for a few months), so I’m not upset about that; I know she's focusing on getting better. But even before she was hospitalized, she didn’t typically text first—maybe it’s just part of her personality? By the way, we’ve been planning dates for a month now. When we do text or call, we have really deep conversations, so it's not like we're avoiding important topics. She says she's not ready for a serious relationship but still enjoys going on dates with me. She calls me "love," sends me goodnight and good morning texts, and always asks how my day has been. It's just that she gives off so many mixed signals, and it's really challenging to figure out where we stand!

Dating and Starting Relationships • 2mo ago

Complicated relationship

Hello everyone, I’m a 30-year-old woman, and I’ve been seeing a 29-year-old man for over three months now. We meet up 2-3 times a week and engage in activities that feel genuinely like a relationship—there’s physical, emotional, and intimate connection. Our families and friends are aware of us, and we frequently spend the night at each other’s homes. He is incredibly kind, sweet, and attentive, and he openly expresses his affection for me, even in public. However, I'm a bit unclear about where I stand in this relationship. Are we exclusively dating, or is it something different? We haven’t really put a label on what we have, and I find myself questioning if I’m overthinking this uncertainty. I would appreciate any advice you might have on how to navigate this situation. Thank you!

Dating and Starting Relationships • 2mo ago

I'm a 19-year-old female considering ending my relationship with my 22-year-old girlfriend so I can focus on being independent in college. What do you think?

We began dating in October of last year, and the start was quite bumpy. At the time, neither of us (her 22F and me 19F) was looking for a partner, but we clicked right away and began spending more time together. My girlfriend is sweet, kind, and has a love for bright colors. She's very creative and has ADHD. Initially, I was attracted to taller individuals who were difficult to get (you know what I mean). I communicated my uncertainty to her, explaining that she wasn't exactly my type, yet I liked her and felt conflicted about becoming a couple. Although I found her cute, she didn't draw me in like others had. I worried a lot about her being unsure of where we stood, and while she advised me not to stress, it was hard not to. After a lot of contemplation, I realized I genuinely liked her; she was kind and sweet, unlike previous types that wouldn’t have been healthy for me. So, we decided to be together, and now she’s become my person. With her, I can truly be myself, and I’ve never experienced such unconditional love before. In the summer, I chose to study law, while she was already majoring in archaeology with a minor in primeval and early history. I was searching for a shared apartment, but due to my age, I kept facing rejections. Additionally, we both weren’t keen on long-distance arrangements, so she decided to move in with me and switch her minor. The aspect that bothers me most about our living situation is the distance from the university. The train only runs once an hour, usually 20 minutes late, so it takes me about an hour to reach campus. This is frustrating, especially since I often have long breaks (5-6 hours), and the university isn’t great for passing the time (the cafeteria closes at 2 PM). Plus, without a car, grocery shopping is challenging, and the living expenses are high since we need a car, though the rent is manageable given the size of the place. I could rent a room closer to campus for the same price. Socially, it’s tough too because there’s only one train per hour, and most social activities, including the nearest gym, are near the university. At first, she was adamant about not wanting to move again, which stressed me out since she only wanted to live with me and disliked long-distance arrangements. I panicked, thinking moving out would lead to an indirect breakup. I expressed my desire to move out, but she was upset because I made that decision unilaterally without discussing it. That was my mistake. I was overly caught up in my thoughts and terrified of letting her down, yet I couldn’t envision living like this for another semester. I enjoy going out, hitting the gym, and being part of my book club, and I felt trapped in this small town with little to do. I longed for the freedom to go to the gym whenever I wanted and to be able to walk home if the train were to get canceled (which happens about three times a month). I recognized my need for more autonomy, to go where I please. In the past, I had taken on a maternal role for my younger sister after my parents split. My girlfriend struggles with completing tasks due to her ADHD, but she’s shown improvement since we started living together. However, I also feel like I’ve let myself go; our place is a bit messy and that bothers me. I’m not as ambitious as I used to be and don’t engage in as many activities. In the beginning, I worried about covering her share of the rent since I have some savings (around 1-2k) and she had none. I ended up paying for most of our furniture and essentials, except for the washing machine and the bed her mom gave her. She mentioned that the first few months would be tough financially. She had difficulty landing a job and wouldn’t allow me to help. Thankfully, she could only pay rent in the second month thanks to a last-minute job offer for just three days. She only has a job now because I helped her secure it. Overall, it’s been quite a challenge. Additionally, she frequently asked me if I would ever consider an open relationship, given our young start. At first, we both thought it might be an option, but now she’s firm on not wanting one, which is fine, as she desires someone who’s devoted to her. I want the best for her too. Yet, I’m left feeling conflicted. Can I truly feel free in a relationship? Or should I focus on being single and prioritizing my own needs, studies, and goals? Am I drawn to her, or just the concept of a loving relationship?

Dating and Starting Relationships • 2mo ago

My 23-year-old white boyfriend keeps asking me, a 18-year-old female, to use the N-word.

We've been dating for almost a year, and I really hadn't seen any red flags until last night. During an intimate moment, he unexpectedly asked me to say the n-word, despite knowing that I'm completely against that kind of language. He kept pushing me to say it, and now I'm wondering if this is related to a kink?

Dating and Starting Relationships • 2mo ago

Should I heed my significant other's best friend's warning about him? (I'm 21, female; he's 22, male)

I've been seeing this guy for about a month, and he's incredibly sweet and chivalrous. He pays for all our meals and always invites me out. I've met his friends, and we all get along well. However, he’s not the type I usually go for—I tend to like video games and nerdy interests while he fits more of a "typical guy" mold (I’m not sure how else to put it). I understand that relationships don't have to be built on the same interests, but I do wish we had more common ground to relate on. He has a pretty poor memory due to the epilepsy medication he's on. There was one instance where I was telling him about a game I loved as a kid and how they made a show out of it, which I wanted to watch with him. A week later, he mentioned that a friend suggested a show to him, and he ended up subscribing to a service to watch it. I brought up that I had just told him about that, and he genuinely didn’t remember. It made me feel a bit overlooked, like my personal interest wasn’t enough to catch his attention, even though maybe I'm overreacting. Additionally, there’s the physical aspect of our relationship. To be straightforward, he is transgender, and I’ve never been in a relationship with anyone transgender before. I’m a bit nervous and want to give him the space to initiate anything. One night, we had a few drinks, and his friend pointed out that he hadn’t even kissed me yet. He admitted he wanted to but was unsure how to go about it, and then he kissed me. At some point, he asked me to be his girlfriend. Afterward, he got quite drunk, and I helped him home. He was really affectionate and possessive, which I liked. I find myself spending the night with him frequently, but nothing physical has gone beyond cuddling and gentle kisses on the cheek and forehead. He mentioned that he and his friends wanted to visit another friend a few hours away for New Year's, and he invited me. I took off work for it, but then he messaged me today about his friend wanting to leave two days earlier, which I couldn’t manage. I told him to enjoy the trip with his friends, and then he mentioned he didn’t really want to go anyway. Then, his best friend reached out to me. He said he heard I couldn’t make it and was unsure if there was any misunderstanding between me and this guy. He offered that he and the other friends are there for me if things go south. Then he said, "Out of respect for you, if you want a serious relationship, you won't find it with him for various reasons that have nothing to do with you but everything to do with him." He insisted he wouldn't let his best friend hurt me, adding that he had his reasons but wouldn’t disclose them. He concluded by urging me to distance myself from the situation and not to bring it up with this guy. I’m completely at a loss here, and I don't have anyone to talk to. Should I consider ending things with him?

Dating and Starting Relationships • 2mo ago

What’s the best way for me (F19) to address my boyfriend’s (M25) sudden silence?

I'm a 19-year-old woman currently in a long-distance relationship with my 25-year-old boyfriend. We're approaching three months together, and this is my first serious relationship. In his dating profile, he described himself as “quiet, unless he’s with friends,” among other traits. He caught my attention, so I thought I’d give it a try. We clicked and ended up talking for hours every single day. However, recently—about a week ago—he started to seem a bit off. He wasn't mad at me, but he seemed generally annoyed. Despite that, he still laughed and smiled during our conversations. I tried to give him chances to share what was bothering him, and he eventually opened up about feeling dissatisfied with his work performance and thinking he could do better. Over the last week and a half, though, he has reduced his engagement during our calls. While he’s in a neutral to good mood now, like before, it’s confusing because he still wants to call every day for just as long as we used to. The difference is that he’s much quieter now, almost as if I’m not even there. I attempt to spark conversations, but his responses tend to be brief. He still compliments me and asks about my day, but something feels off. We're still texting, sharing memes, and communicating just like we did before; it’s just during our calls that he’s more subdued. Is he pulling away, or is it something else? I’m starting to wonder if my insecurities are getting the better of me. Any advice on how to navigate this situation would be much appreciated, especially since I’m new to dating.

Dating and Starting Relationships • 2mo ago

Relationship problem—could you please assist your girl?

I met a guy on Hinge last year, and we've been chatting since December. We quickly became friends with benefits and even started sharing photos. Recently, he proposed to me, but I responded with, “Let’s meet first and see.” Despite my hesitations, he keeps pushing the idea that we’re dating now. The thing is, he doesn’t message me very often, and sometimes takes over six hours to respond, claiming he was busy. While I don’t see any signs of him being with someone else, I'm feeling uncertain. Most of our conversations happen at night, and when we do talk, he’s sweet and reassuring, insisting he wouldn’t cheat and that he wants to be the best partner for me. We have plans to meet this week, but I’m feeling conflicted. Should I wait until we meet to express my feelings, or should I bring up his erratic communication beforehand? Am I wasting my time, or is there something I'm overlooking?

Dating and Starting Relationships • 2mo ago

Not really looking for advice, just expressing some frustration.

I'm a 33-year-old Latina woman, never married and without children. I've built a fulfilling career and take good care of myself. I've traveled extensively, have a vibrant social life, and a lot of friends! I’m a natural nurturer — I enjoy cooking and keeping my home tidy... and yet, I feel profoundly lonely. It's been eight years since I was last in a relationship. I've tried dating and had some situationships, but nothing ever seems to last. I've faced infidelity, been misled, and heard that I'm either too much or not enough—it's exhausting. What I truly long for is someone who wants to be with me, to enjoy a movie together sometimes, to be my best friend, to share dinners, to hold hands, and share tender moments. Casual encounters feel so empty and monotonous. I know I'm not unattractive, both in appearance and personality—it’s easy to get along with me. My friends are just as confused as I am about my dating life. Earlier this year, I decided to embrace being single, convincing myself I could do it forever and that I was content—only to find myself drawn to someone who reignited my hope of finding "the one." Then it was all dashed when I was told I’m “too much.” I’m just... so tired of all this. I’ve tried stepping outside my comfort zone to date different types of guys, but still, nothing seems to stick. I'm genuinely scared that I might never find someone special, that I may never have a chance to have my own children, or to have my person to share my life with. It's incredibly disheartening. I'm weary of juggling multiple connections without any real fulfillment. I wish there was someone who could offer me some comfort, yet I feel vulnerable sharing this with friends. It’s like I’m being overlooked, as if God isn’t listening to me at all. I truly feel isolated and unwanted.

Dating and Starting Relationships • 2mo ago

Please assist me.

I recently started dating a girl I’ve had a crush on for a long time. Normally, I don’t consider myself an awkward person, but now I find myself feeling anxious about hugging and kissing her. I’m trying to understand why I feel this way. In my past relationships, I met my partners online and felt confident enough to be affectionate when we first met. However, this girl has been my best friend for nearly four years, and I wonder if that affects my nerves. I’m hoping to figure out why I feel so awkward and how I can overcome it.

Dating and Starting Relationships • 2mo ago

Do guys prefer virgin girls?

I'm 29 years old and still a virgin. I'm curious—do guys find this off-putting when they first meet a girl? Is it considered strange? I’d love to hear your opinions!

Dating and Starting Relationships • 2mo ago

Is the age difference inappropriate in high school?

To sum it up, I (16m) reached out to a girl (14f) without knowing her age; she initially seemed around my age. She first told me she was 16, which I believed, but later confessed she was actually 14. Here’s the dilemma: I usually don’t care much about what others think, as long as I’m comfortable with the person I'm with, but this situation has me feeling uncertain. She’s aware of my feelings for her—I’ve told her I think she’s beautiful since we started chatting. I really like her, but I’m unsure whether it’s socially acceptable for us to continue talking. While I generally disregard others' opinions about my choices, I’d like to hear some outside perspectives on this.

Dating and Starting Relationships • 2mo ago

18-year-old seeking guidance on how to meet and connect with women.

I haven't had much luck with dating. I've connected with a few girls who seemed genuinely interested; we would text every day. However, after a few weeks, that communication dwindled to almost nothing. I'm unsure how to maintain their interest, and I struggle to meet new people. It feels like I'm stuck. I know this might come off as forward, but I really want to be in a relationship, yet it seems like no one is interested in me. How can I become more socially engaged with women? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Dating and Starting Relationships • 2mo ago

(19M) I've developed feelings for a friend (18F) I recently met at a school seminar. Over the past two weeks, I've sensed a strong connection between us, and I believe she might feel the same way. Should I express my feelings to her?

She (18F) and I (19M) met at a seminar at school, and by the last day, we really clicked. Since then, our relationship has been wonderful. I invited her out three days later to play badminton and just have a good time, and we genuinely enjoyed ourselves—no awkward moments, just the pleasure of each other's company. That's also when I started to feel attracted to her, as I’d never met anyone who appreciated my company quite like she does. Now, I'm torn about whether or not to express my feelings. Honestly, I'm not ready to officially pursue a relationship yet, but I don't want her (or myself) to think I'm only interested in friendship. I really want something deeper, but considering we've only known each other for about two weeks, it feels a bit premature. I’m thinking of telling her on our next outing that I’m attracted to her but not ready to court her yet since we don’t know each other well enough and I need more time. Should I go ahead and tell her this, or should I hold off? I'm nervous about her reaction, and I might be overthinking her feelings toward me. What should I do?

Dating and Starting Relationships • 2mo ago

I'm looking for assistance with my relationship situation.

I'm a 24-year-old guy, chatting with a 24-year-old woman. We've been seeing each other for about a month. The first two weeks were fantastic—we texted constantly, spent a lot of time together, and had plenty of flirtation. We discussed our views on relationships and discovered how much we aligned on what partners should be to each other. She mentioned that she had never liked anyone as much as she likes me and enjoys our time together. We went on three dates without sharing a kiss. She's never had a boyfriend before but has been intimate with one person. She wanted to take things slowly, which I was perfectly okay with since I have substantial relationship experience. After our third date, we decided to go get a Christmas tree as a sort of fourth outing. Once we brought it back to my place and settled on the couch, I leaned in to kiss her. Though a bit nervous since it had been over a year since her last kiss, she kissed me back. We hugged to ease the tension, and then a minute later, we shared another kiss—this one was incredible and felt like we were making out. She expressed how happy she was that I kissed her, saying she was planning to do it if I hadn't. As it was time for her to leave—I had to get to work—we shared another kiss in the elevator and said goodbye. Everything felt fantastic, and we texted all night about the amazing kisses and butterflies we both felt. We made plans for the next day to watch Christmas movies, decorate the tree, and attend a lantern festival about an hour and a half away. The next morning, she messaged me saying we should skip the festival because it would be too cold and too far away. I was a bit disappointed but still excited to see her and watch movies. When she arrived, something felt off. I opted for a hug instead of a kiss. After we set up the tree, I suggested visiting a Christmas light display afterward since it would be closer. She said maybe but that we needed to talk first. Then she told me, "I think we need to be friends." My heart sank. We talked through her reasons: she felt things were moving too fast, wasn't ready for a boyfriend, and wanted to just be friends—no kissing or flirting, but we could still hold hands and cuddle. We spent a few hours hanging out, cuddled up on the couch watching movies, while I fought back tears. It felt so right between us, and I couldn't understand why she wanted to step back. Now, about two weeks have passed. She's brought up the "friends" thing several times, yet we still cuddle and hold hands when we're together. She has expressed being scared and mentioned she's a "friends to lovers" type of person. I'm left feeling confused and somewhat hurt, questioning if I’m just a way for her to enjoy free dates or if she genuinely intends to be friends until she feels ready for a relationship. I want to continue pursuing her, but I'm unsure whether to strictly act as a friend or to maintain some level of romantic or flirty behavior. I could really use some advice.

Dating and Starting Relationships • 3mo ago

Is one month too soon for this pace in a relationship?

Is it too soon to spend the night at your significant other’s place after just a month of dating? And sharing a bed as well? What do you think?

Dating and Starting Relationships • 3mo ago

Exploring Situationships: Navigating the Gray Zone of Contemporary Dating

Situationships – that ambiguous territory between a full-fledged relationship and something casual that many of us seem to fall into at some point. They can be messy and perplexing, often leaving us questioning our own choices and intentions. Recently, it appears that situationships have become the norm in the dating landscape. Perhaps it’s driven by a fear of commitment, a desire to keep options open, or simply a breakdown in communication. But let’s face it: it’s not always enjoyable. You might find yourself asking: Are we exclusive? Do they genuinely care about me, or am I just an option? Why can’t we just put a label on this? On one side, situationships can offer a relaxed and adaptable vibe. You’re just enjoying each other’s company, right? Yet, on the flip side, they can be exhausting, especially when one person desires more than what the other is ready to offer. So, let’s discuss: 1. Are situationships a natural outcome of today’s dating scene, or are they simply a result of poor communication? 2. Have you experienced a situationship? What was the outcome? 3. Any tips for moving from ambiguity to clarity? I’m eager to hear your insights!

Dating and Starting Relationships • 3mo ago

What should I buy my boyfriend for our first Christmas together?

It's our first Christmas together, and he mentioned that he’s spent over £50 on me. I’d like to match that amount for him, aiming to neither overwhelm nor underwhelm him. I appreciate that he shares his interests and passions with me. However, he often buys himself what he wants, so I need to be cautious to avoid getting him something he might end up treating himself to instead. I’m looking for ideas that he hasn’t explicitly mentioned, so I have a broader selection to choose from. Thanks!

Dating and Starting Relationships • 3mo ago

21M, why am I still single?

Hey everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. Lately, I’ve been reflecting on why I’m still single, and I could really use your insights. A little about me: I’m a 21-year-old guy, standing at 1.96m and weighing around 98kg. I’ve worked hard for my athletic build, and I like to think I have a decent level of intelligence. Plus, I have a great taste in music that seems to resonate with many people. On paper, I check a lot of boxes that people typically look for. Yet, I find myself navigating the dating scene alone, which makes me question whether it’s just a matter of timing, my dating approach, or something else entirely that I might be missing. I’d love to hear your perspectives. Has anyone else faced a similar situation? What do you think might be contributing to my single status? If you’re interested in offering some advice, feel free to check out my Instagram: I can’t wait to hear your stories and suggestions. Thanks for taking the time to read this!

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