Update: I'm attempting to befriend this American guy, but things are starting to feel strange and frustrating.
I've been chatting with an American guy in his twenties, and since I don’t feel like we know each other well enough yet, I suggested we just be friends for the time being. He agreed, and we decided to talk more regularly to build a solid friendship. Recently, I told him I’d call him while I was on my way home, but when I tried, my network failed, and the call didn’t go through. Later on, I called again and mentioned that I attempted to reach him earlier, and he responded, “No, you didn’t. You can admit it.” This frustrated me because I genuinely tried to connect, and he acted as if I were lying. Another thing getting to me is his frequent comments about just making money, which feel dismissive. It's like he's trying too hard to come across as busy and important, and it’s becoming repetitive and annoying. He often talks about how God shows him visions of people as “snakes” or disloyal, which I suspect may be aimed at me. This really irritates me since I’ve done nothing to warrant that kind of accusation. I don’t owe him anything, and we’re still in the early stages of getting to know each other, so it seems unfair for him to project these strange notions onto me. At one point, he asked, “Why did you choose me?” as if there was some profound reason behind it. Honestly, I didn’t “choose” him; I just thought we could be friends because we had some common interests. But his behavior is making me rethink even trying. When I mentioned I talk to other guys because we’re just friends, he asked, “Why me?” This behavior baffles me, especially since I'm not exclusively speaking to him. Sure, he’s good-looking, but his attitude is starting to make him seem less appealing. I never claimed he was the only one I was talking to; it's clear I'm doing the same with others, but I treat him a bit differently. The last straw came when I forgot to call him one day due to school and other responsibilities. He responded with, “I don’t expect anything from you now,” in a passive-aggressive way, as if I did something wrong just for being busy. Excuse me, but I have a life. This whole situation is becoming overwhelming. His dramatic behavior and delusions of love for someone he barely knows are draining. I’ve tried to be understanding, but it’s exhausting. Things escalated today when we argued over some rude comments he made. He claimed it was very one-sided, saying I only think of him when I’m bored or have no one else to talk to. This hurt because it felt like he was accusing me of only reaching out when I had nothing better to do, which isn’t true. He expressed disappointment and claimed I’m just a party girl who isn’t ready for his vision of life. He talked about wanting a family while I just want to have fun, which felt like a huge assumption. He even said that by the time I’m ready to settle down, all the good guys will be taken. He remarked, “I don’t want to feel strung along or sidelined,” and said it’s unattractive when I’m “always sleeping or out late.” He wrapped up by saying I’m a sweet, beautiful girl, but that I’m “just not right for him.” Honestly, I’m feeling exhausted by all this pressure and his assumptions. I thought we could just be friends, but now it seems like he’s expecting more than I can offer. I’m just 18, trying to figure things out, and I don’t need this emotional burden.