My boyfriend is asking me to take care of his household chores.
I'm a 20-something female university student living with my boyfriend of three years, who is almost 30 and works long shifts as a chef. Lately, I feel like he expects me to take care of all the housework, including washing his clothes and cleaning up after him. While I may not work long hours like him, being a full-time student still takes up a lot of my time. Even if I had the time, I don’t think it’s fair for me to be responsible for everything. Just to clarify, he doesn’t provide any financial support for me. I've communicated to him that I don’t want to fall into a "traditional wife" role. When we first started dating, I made it clear that my education and future were my top priorities. I’m happy to help out as a kind gesture occasionally, but I don’t want it to be an expectation. Unfortunately, I've had to reiterate this point several times throughout our relationship. Tonight, he came to bed wearing his dirty socks, and I asked him to take them off so the sheets wouldn’t get dirty (since we don’t have a washing machine, I would have to handwash them). He responded, “Well, that’s what happens when I don’t have any clean socks,” and refused to take them off, implying it was my responsibility to wash them. I couldn’t help but laugh and asked him why he wasn’t washing them himself. Honestly, I can’t even recall his exact response, but it frustrated me. He often says things like, “If you loved me, you’d do these things to make my life easier." I’ve made it clear that I’m not his maid, and while I understand that his job is demanding, it shouldn’t mean I have to shoulder all the household chores just because I'm studying at home. I have my own life to lead, and he managed just fine at my age without relying on someone to cater to him. Additionally, our mutual friend, who is female, often sides with him and insists that if I truly cared for him, I should ensure he has food ready when he gets home. However, she has never been in a relationship, so I didn't give her opinion much weight, even though it was frustrating. He has ample time to prepare meals during the day but often chooses to relax and play video games instead, or he claims he has a bad sleep schedule and rushes to his shift without planning ahead. Today was a minor exception; he intended to cook a meal for himself for lunch but asked me to wash his pot. I didn’t do it, so he skipped eating and went back to gaming. As much as I care for him, I find this behavior quite off-putting. I want a partner, not someone I need to take care of. I’d appreciate any advice or insights, especially if anyone has faced a similar situation.