I'm a 25-year-old woman, and my fiancé is 32. We're going through a tough time right now, and I’m uncertain whether I should leave and live on my own or stay in the relationship.
I'm Cintia from Brazil. I've been living with my fiancé for nearly six years, and I'm currently the primary provider for our household, even though he earns just over half of my income. Both of us are lawyers, and we enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. We're planning to move out on our own this year since my sister is finally relocating. In 2023, my fiancé decided to leave his well-paying job due to stress and a lack of time, a choice I fully supported. Now, after a year, he has decided to pursue the exam to become a judge, a process that could take two to three years, or even longer. Meanwhile, I’m eager to start a family (I’m 25), move into a new home, and celebrate our wedding, which I see as simply a party. He believes we can't pursue these dreams right now and prefers to wait until we have more financial stability. Despite wanting to become pregnant, I’ve considered getting a second job to boost our income and save, but the idea has caused significant stress and arguments, leading me to lose my desire to start a family with him. Moving is also challenging due to the costs, and I'm still focused on saving what we need. As for the wedding, that's off the table as my sister’s wedding is also happening, so I’ll have to postpone mine. Through all this, I feel sad as if my dreams and efforts don't matter. This has led to feelings of hurt and resentment toward him, clouding my positive emotions. I used to admire his ambition, but since he left his job and spends most of his time at home, that admiration has diminished. He also wants a child, a house, and a wedding, but only in the distant future, and I find it difficult to know how many years that will take, especially with my biological clock ticking. I'm starting to think that if I'm going to experience this much anguish, perhaps it would be better to live alone. Living independently was a dream I had since my teenage years that I've put aside because of my sister and my fiancé. I'm uncertain if our challenges stem from financial issues or if he's just not willing to embark on this journey with me, even if it means starting without all that we wanted. I’ve tried to discuss it with him, but nothing seems to change, likely because it’s not something that necessitates immediate alteration. Neither of us is at fault or intentionally causing harm. However, I can feel myself growing distant from the relationship, and he’s noticed; it’s affecting my happiness. I know I love him—he's simply trying to be practical and responsible—but I’m afraid of jeopardizing what we have for an uncertain future. At the same time, I want to be happy and fulfill my dreams. I'm concerned that if I stay, I may become bitter and unhappy from sacrificing two or three more years before having a child, getting married, and moving. I'm frightened of breaking up and later regretting the good thing I had. For the past two months, I’ve felt sad about our situation and would appreciate some advice on what to do. So, should I leave and live on my own, or should I stay? I'm truly unsure about the best path forward. Apologies for my poor English.