Disliking my husband's enthusiasm
**”22F”** I'm 22 and happily married to an amazing man who genuinely values my emotions. However, the one challenge in our relationship revolves around his passion for skydiving. Before we met, he practically lived at the drop zone for three years, spending nearly $900 each week. In the early months of our relationship—about 10 months ago—his affection for me was undeniable, but skydiving was always his top priority. He would jump every weekend, spend evenings in the indoor tunnel, and travel to different states every few months for skydiving events. This meant he often missed important family occasions, like my mom’s and brothers’ birthdays, choosing jumps instead of time with loved ones. Over time, he made adjustments and now attends only 1-2 events a year and goes skydiving every two weeks. Yet, I can’t shake the memories of when it consumed him, and it remains a significant trigger for me. I cringe at the mere mention of it. I once joined him at an event and witnessed the intense atmosphere—jumping all day and partying all night with alcohol and drugs. Although my husband tends to avoid those substances, the thought of that environment deeply unsettles me. For the past two months, he hasn’t gone skydiving as we've been concentrating on our marriage, enjoying our honeymoon, and saving for the future. However, he’s now planning a 10-day trip in July, and just the thought of it overwhelms me. Am I wrong for feeling this way?