My boyfriend (18, male) is upset with me because I (18, female) played my PS5 while he was occupied.
I wanted to play my game today, and since my boyfriend was at school and I was at home, I figured it would be a good time. We’re in a long-distance relationship, and I’m not busy at the moment. He bought me a PS5 not too long ago, and I’ve picked up a few games for it, including MW3, which I introduced him to. While playing MW3, I thought it would be fun to record some videos and timelapses on my phone to send him later. He often worries that I'm talking to other guys in the game or in real life, so I thought sharing the videos would reassure him that I wasn't chatting with anyone. When he got a chance to check his phone, he seemed upset, so I asked him what was wrong. He asked, "So who were you playing with?" I replied, "No one! Didn't you see the videos?" He hadn't, and he wondered why I sent them. I explained that I thought it would ease his mind since he sometimes feels like I’m talking to other guys. This seemed to upset him further, and he told me I knew it would bother him, so why would I choose to play the PS5? I said my intention was to help. He insisted that I knew he would think I was engaging with others and that it would probably make him upset. I acknowledged that I understood his feelings, which is why I made the videos. Now I’m feeling confused. I asked, "Why can’t I play my game when I want, but you can?" I added, "I trust that you’re not talking to girls in the game; why can’t you trust me?" But now he’s shut off and is just replying with "okay" and stating, "I’m not going back and forth with you." I don’t really understand what I did wrong; I just wanted some time to play my game.