It's typically those who are "obsessed." [22F]/[21M]
My boyfriend, 21M, and I, 22F, have been together for five months. He is completely smitten with me, expresses his love daily, and can be incredibly considerate. However, I’ve noticed some things that raise concerns about his trustworthiness. Before meeting him, I had just emerged from a traumatic relationship where I discovered my ex was hiding an entire marriage. Meeting my current boyfriend felt like a dream come true; he was incredibly patient, assured me he only wanted me, and waited for me to fully heal emotionally before we started dating. But my trust in him began to waver in January. While at the beach with friends, I asked to borrow his phone to play some music. He suddenly "forgot" his password and was locked out. I was taken aback—how do you forget a password you enter numerous times daily? When I brought it up later, he apologized profusely, acknowledged it seemed suspicious, and even offered me his phone to check. At that point, I declined because whatever might have been there could have already been deleted, but I did remember his passcode. Then, two weeks ago during our camping trip, I looked through his phone while he was asleep. Initially, I found it suspiciously clean—no notes, cleared search history, and his texts with his best friend only dated back two weeks. When I checked his Instagram Explore page, it was filled with OnlyFans girls. His link history revealed he had been viewing their profiles, and I discovered a second Instagram account I had never seen, though it had no followers. What upset me the most is that we had recently discussed this. I had told him that I didn’t mind if he watched porn since I do as well, but OnlyFans feels entirely too intimate. When I confronted him discreetly, he denied searching for those accounts but promised to "minimize" his porn usage. Later that night, I checked again. His link history had been wiped clean except for a few new searches for more OnlyFans models and a girl's VSCO account, which he had visited multiple times. The biggest red flag, however, was when I checked his "hide story from" list—there were 122 people blocked, most of whom were girls. At the beginning of our relationship, I expressed my discomfort with him following so many OnlyFans models and e-girls. He reassured me by unfollowing almost all women—whether they were OnlyFans creators or not—but they still follow him, and now he’s blocking them from seeing his stories? And his main posts? Me. I realize this is a lot to unpack, and I’m unsure how to address it. This situation isn’t like my past relationship where I caught blatant cheating and could simply walk away. This feels too close to cheating for comfort. It breaks my heart because the very person who claims to love me more than anything seems to be acting in secretive ways.