I’m a 20-year-old man and I just discovered that my 19-year-old girlfriend was untruthful about her past, and I’m really struggling to get over it.
**Title: Discovering My Girlfriend's Lies About Her Past** I’m a 20-year-old guy, and I’ve been dating my girlfriend, who is 19, for about 6 months. When we first met, we weren't anticipating a relationship but ended up getting close. We openly discussed our past hookups and relationships, and I was completely honest with her, assuming she was too. However, a couple of weeks ago, we were talking about her feelings when she first visited my military base. She claimed that it was her first time in the area, but the next day, I discovered that she had over 20 guys blocked on Instagram. Among them were a guy who works in the same building as me and two others stationed nearby. When I confronted her, she initially lied multiple times but eventually admitted that she had been on base before to hook up with at least two guys before we started dating. I was understandably upset that she had not been truthful about her past, especially since I thought we could be open with each other. Still, I chose to move forward, asking her to be honest and acknowledge her mistake since these events occurred before our relationship began. The next day, she requested to talk and revealed that she had still been dishonest. Instead of the 6 partners she mentioned previously, she confessed that her actual number was 16. This revelation caught me completely off guard and shattered my trust once again. She explained that she had pushed the memories of the other 10 encounters aside and didn’t recall them when I had asked about her past. I don’t mind my girlfriend having a history—after all, I have my own (I’ve been with three girls before her). However, it’s tough for me to trust her again after she repeatedly lied. About a week ago, I thought I was starting to move past this situation because she has been loving and faithful while we’ve been together, leading me to forgive her. The problem is, I encounter the guy from work frequently, and each time I see him, I’m hit with the same painful feelings I had when I found out about her lies. I genuinely want to start a family with her, but I'm struggling to move forward from this incident. **TL;DR:** My girlfriend was dishonest about her past hookups, and now I'm unsure how to move past this. Any advice would be appreciated since this is my first serious relationship.