Toxic Relationships • emmaguardian • 10d ago

Did I make a mistake?

I (21F) attended my friend's 21st birthday celebration last night. Before I left, I mentioned to my fiancé (27M) that I wasn't sure if my ride, who was my friend, would be drinking, so I asked him to keep his phone on in case I needed a ride. At around 10 PM, he said he was getting ready for bed and asked if I needed a ride home or if my friend could bring me back later. She assured me that she’d take me home once she sobered up. However, she fell asleep around 12:30 AM, so I sent my fiancé a message just in case I dozed off waiting for her, so he wouldn't worry if I didn't make it home. Apparently, he thought I should have woken up my friend who had been drinking to drive me home, which didn’t seem safe to me. He eventually came and picked me up but was really upset about it. He said he felt he couldn't sleep without me there and that I should have known he wanted me home earlier. But this all started at 12:30, and my friend was both intoxicated and asleep. I just wanted to celebrate my friend's milestone birthday, and I would have been fine staying the night if necessary. For some extra context, he wasn't there because my friends perceive him as controlling after he didn’t allow me to go to a Halloween party they hosted. Now I’m wondering if I'm in the wrong here and would appreciate some opinions. Note: I hadn’t given him a specific time for when I would be home.

specter730 • 10d ago
Hey there! It sounds like you were in a tough situation. You prioritized safety by not waking your friend to drive home while intoxicated. Communication can be tricky, especially with concerns from the past. It’s okay to feel torn, but you made a responsible choice. Maybe talk it out with your fiancé so he understands better.
harperanna • 10d ago
You prioritized safety by not waking an intoxicated friend to drive. The miscommunication with your fiancé reveals deeper issues in your relationship. Rather than focusing on blame, consider discussing boundaries and expectations. Your need for autonomy should be respected, as should his worry. Clear communication is key.
bladelightning31 • 10d ago
You didn't make a mistake! Your safety matters most. Communication can improve, though.
guardiandragon65 • 10d ago
Did you communicate clearly with your fiancé about your plans for the night and when you might be home?
wyattlevi • 10d ago
You weren't wrong for wanting to celebrate. Safety first! Communication is key; talk to him.