Are my partner, who is 18M, and I, a female (18F), too obsessed with each other at such a young age? My mother thinks so.
My partner and I are still quite young, and we've chosen to stay close to home, frequently visiting or staying with our parents. For instance, my partner is currently in his hometown, which is about 5 to 6 hours away. During this time, I've been either at home or at my aunt's place. Since we started our relationship at the age of 16, we've developed a strong attachment to each other. I care for him so deeply that sometimes, when I focus on how much I miss him, it brings me to tears. I'm curious if this level of feeling is normal—am I allowed to miss my boyfriend so much that I cry about it? My mom and aunties think I’m too obsessed with him because I spend most of my time hanging out with him, leading them to believe I don’t interact with others. I cherish both my boyfriend and my friends, but everyone is usually busy dealing with their own issues. Unlike them, my partner’s mom understands what we're going through; she even told him that it’s completely normal to miss a partner intensely. She said if she were separated from my partner's dad, she would feel the same way. The reason my partner hasn’t been able to drive back home is that he came with his parents in their car. He initially had high hopes for the trip, expecting to spend Christmas with his family, but that didn’t happen. His relatives seem to have forgotten his upcoming birthday, which has left him feeling neglected and unappreciated. I’ve been vocal about how much I miss him and want him back home, and he’s expressed a desire to return since he’s already done everything he wanted to do there. After sharing our situation, I’m left wondering: are we too obsessed with each other? These feelings have emerged over the past couple of weeks, and I’m unsure how to interpret our mothers’ opinions. For context, my mom has primarily relied on my stepdad financially and hasn’t worked much, while my partner's mom works part-time and also has the added responsibility of caring for his little sister. If you'd like more insight into my mom's views on our "obsession," I can provide further examples. Thank you!
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