[26F] is looking for guidance regarding [24m].
I need some guidance. I'm contemplating cutting ties with someone I've been romantically involved with. It's a long-distance relationship, and we've gone back and forth, each having different partners along the way. We've broken up again, and I feel like I've fallen for his unrealistic promises one too many times. The flirtation has faded, and our communication seems to be dwindling by the day. Whenever I try to express my concerns, he insists that nothing is wrong, but I can clearly see that this isn't a healthy situation. I ended things before due to infidelity and a lot of betrayal. After a brief three-month relationship with someone else, he came back into my life, even though I’m in Scotland and he’s in the UK. I don't understand why he would return only to mess with my feelings again. We've visited each other, which involves a lot of travel, and while he claims he cares, it feels like he doesn't truly mean it. I can't keep enduring this situation.