I'm a 25-year-old woman in a relationship with my 24-year-old partner, and I've noticed my libido has been unusually low lately, even though I love him.
This is going to be a bit lengthy to provide some context. This is my first serious relationship, and I genuinely adore him. In the past, I’ve dated and hooked up, but I’ve never been in an official relationship. Nothing ever felt quite right for me, and that’s an understatement. I've dealt with years of sexual trauma since childhood, leading me to consider myself hypersexual as a result. This includes religious guilt, experiences of sexual assault, verbal abuse, and more. In 2023, I faced a series of unfortunate events that brought my deeper issues with sex and an autism diagnosis to the forefront. During this time, I decided to embrace celibacy as I worked through my experiences. However, I was still open to dating. After nearly a year of celibacy, I met my current partner. I communicated my past trauma and my decision to abstain from sex, and he responded positively. For the first time, someone showed interest in me without any hint of wanting a sexual encounter. His genuine interest was exciting and ultimately led me to break my celibacy with him. My hypersexuality kicked in during our dates over the next couple of months, and our physical relationship flourished. He was just as enthusiastic about it, having a high libido himself. But once we officially got together and he began to demonstrate what a wonderful partner he is, I started to feel guilty. It seems like he is helping me heal some of the wounds from my childhood. He goes above and beyond for me, and it makes me emotional because I’ve never experienced love without strings attached or hidden agendas. This made me anxious, and as a result, I began having sex with him partly because I felt I needed to show my appreciation, and that was the only way I knew how. Unfortunately, this led to panic attacks during sex. I’ve talked with him about these feelings. He’s been supportive in addressing my guilt and the sense of obligation I had to share my body as a way of thanking him. But now, I've lost all interest in sex. I can barely bring myself to masturbate anymore; since we got together in early 2024, I've only done so twice. I don’t think about sex or feel any sexual desire. While I already struggled with picking up on social cues related to flirting, I now find myself actively avoiding those situations. We’re still intimate, but it’s become rare—almost once a month instead of our previous frequency of two to three times a week. Yet, I feel perfectly fine! I'm genuinely happy in this relationship. The sex we do have is great—he's the only person who has ever made me orgasm. He’s an incredible boyfriend: attentive, caring, and he doesn’t make me feel like a burden, even when he has to be my caretaker due to my chronic illness and autism. I love listening to him talk, and I appreciate his whimsical view on life. Plus, he’s remarkably attractive; sometimes I just find myself staring at him. However, when he initiates sexual advances, I often find I’m just not in the mood. At times, I feel compelled to walk away or change the subject. I’ve graduated from therapy, and my psychiatrist has told me I’m doing well. My medications haven’t changed; I’ve been on the same ones for years, even during my hypersexual phase. I’m feeling lost. I want to be more intimate with him, but he’s noticed my lack of interest and has asked if I’m okay. I can only respond that I feel fine. Nothing seems wrong, yet I’m the one experiencing this issue. I truly want to want sex; I want to feel that physical intimacy with him, but the desire just isn’t there. Is this normal? I understand that libido can fluctuate, but this feels different—as if there’s an underlying issue I can’t quite identify. I crave his touch and enjoy it, but when it becomes a physical advance, I sometimes feel a twinge of discomfort in the back of my mind. It’s akin to being hungry but hesitating to eat. I don’t understand this aversion. Maybe it's natural, and I’m just not accustomed to it? I’d appreciate any insights or second opinions.