I, a 24-year-old woman, feel quite intimidated by my 26-year-old date and often struggle with feelings of inadequacy around him.
For some context, I’m a 24-year-old female with a college degree, but I'm finding it challenging to establish myself in the workforce. Despite having been out of school for a couple of years, I haven't secured a graduate job yet. On the other hand, the guy I'm seeing is 26 and has a graduate job in a very impressive field. I know I shouldn’t let this affect me, but I can't help feeling intimidated by him, and I often feel like a complete failure when I'm around him. It's as if I shrink into insignificance, even though we have the same level of education. And truthfully, even if we didn't have the same background, I know that a college education and a career shouldn't define someone's worth—yet those feelings are hard to shake. I would appreciate any insights on how to handle situations like this or ways to regain your confidence when you're feeling diminished. Thank you!