What’s the best way to approach him?
Looking for guidance on how to talk to my husband as a pregnant wife. 😭 Here’s some background: About a week ago, I was cutting his hair when he received a call from a number that seemed familiar to me (though I can’t quite put my finger on why). He dismissed it, saying it was nobody important, and since he generally avoids phone calls, I decided to let it slide despite feeling uneasy. Moving ahead to last night, while he was in the shower, I had an urge to check his watch (he takes his phone with him in the shower). I noticed a text from that same familiar number, which made me think of last week. It contained two screenshots of a Messenger conversation, but the pictures were too small for me to discern much. I then looked at his call log and saw numerous entries involving that number—calls he made, calls they made, missed calls, and even blocked ones. Curious, I researched the number through Cash App and another app, which revealed a female name of someone he works with on weekends. He had mentioned her in a strange story about his shift, but I had no idea they were connected, especially since I couldn’t find anything on social media. Checking our cell usage details, I found that ever since I first noticed the number, he’s been averaging 20-30 minute conversations with her since the 20th. Two of these calls even occurred around times when he called me “just because he missed me,” which is unusual for him, and another coincided with my attempt to reach him but he said he was on the line with an "angry old customer," a situation he often encounters at work, so I didn't question it then. We had a baby appointment on Friday, and I noticed calls he missed or blocked from that day that hadn't registered with me before. It’s clear to me that she knows about me, he’s hiding something, and it feels like there’s definitely something going on. I need to confront him for my own peace of mind since I’m experiencing significant anxiety, which I know isn’t good for the baby. I’m just unsure how to approach the conversation. We already have one child, and another on the way, and I’m so scared and saddened at the thought of everything falling apart. I’m really stressing out—please, no judgment, just constructive advice.