Infidelity •
thunderwolforbit79 •
21d ago
My partner, a 28-year-old male, has cheated on me twice during our six-year relationship. I'm a 28-year-old female.
Is it really possible to fully forgive someone who has betrayed your trust, or does that relationship change forever? He [28M] cheated on me while we were dating for a year, and now, five years later (that I know of), it's happened again. Initially, I forgave him and honestly forgot about it over the years. Our lives are so interconnected; I cut ties with him a few months ago, but the aftermath is still lingering, and the dating scene feels pretty bleak right now. I [28F] don’t necessarily miss him, but I do miss his family, and our friendship circles have changed drastically. My whole routine and life feel unsettled. I can't even go to my running club without running into him. How do you begin to start anew?