My husband, who is 37, sent me a text that made me feel nauseous after discovering his online infidelity.
After discovering my husband on Facebook dating through his phone, I stumbled upon many concerning conversations. There were various online exchanges spanning years with different women. Ironically, I didn't want to invade his privacy by going through direct messages with his friends and family, so I used the search function in messages to look for specific keywords. When I searched for "cheated," I found this exchange: Husband: Haha yeah, I've never cheated, but if I were traveling, I bet I would. My wife would probably even forgive me for it. Did your wife ever find out? Husband's male colleague: Never. Husband: It's better that way. When I confronted my husband about crossing boundaries and his virtual infidelity (however you want to label it—seeking out women on dating apps while married), he initially downplayed the significance of his actions. However, within a day, he changed his stance, expressing remorse and all the typical reactions of someone who first denied and minimized the hurt they caused. I realize I'm rambling, but this message was sent before he took multiple solo trips, and he insists he has never physically cheated. I can't shake the feeling of being irrational for analyzing everything, but I’ve been with this man for nearly 20 years, and we share four children. What are your thoughts?