I had a night with my best friend, even though they are in a relationship.
I (25F) recently went on a trip with some friends, including my best friend (24M). Up until then, everything felt completely normal, and I had no romantic feelings towards him. However, during the trip, he started showering me with kindness—cooking for me, looking after me when I was drunk, bringing me flowers that matched my dress each day, serving me breakfast in bed, teaching me to drive, and caring for me when I wasn’t feeling well. It was everything I had ever wanted from a guy while being single. One night, after a few drinks, I mentioned to him that I was starting to feel attracted to him because of everything he was doing, and suggested he might want to ease off since he has a girlfriend. To my surprise, he admitted that he had liked me for a while and had intended to break up with his girlfriend because things weren’t working out. He told me he wanted to confess his feelings before the trip but was too scared, thinking I would never like someone like him. Things progressed quickly after that. We both acknowledged that what we were doing felt wrong, yet we ended up sleeping together while sober. Now, I feel awful about the situation, and I think we both do. He mentioned he had been feeling conflicted for months, and when I asked what he wanted, he seemed unsure but admitted that his heart was drawn to me. He stated he knew it was wrong but didn’t want to stop or hurt his girlfriend, although he plans to tell her eventually—it just might take some time for him to sort out his feelings. The complicating factor is that we work together, so we’ll be seeing each other every day. What should I do?