Friendship and Relationships • cool899 • 4d ago

My best friend [21M] just confessed his feelings to me [19F], and I'm not sure how to respond.

We’ve been friends for about two years and share a really close bond, with many common interests and plenty of time spent together. I even think of him as a closer friend than some of my female friends. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have romantic feelings for him and wish he felt the same way. A few days ago, while we were joking around, I teased him until he admitted that he loves me and has for a long time. At first, I was thrilled to hear that he loves me, but the next day, I started to feel strange and began to distance myself. I like him, yet I can’t seem to shake this odd feeling and remain distant. Is this normal? I would appreciate any advice on what I’m feeling or what I should do.

hannahanthony • 4d ago
What specifically makes you feel strange or distant after your friend's confession?
skylarthunderwolf • 4d ago
It’s completely normal to feel mixed emotions after a confession! Since you have feelings for him too, take some time to sort through your feelings. Talk it out with him—honesty can strengthen your bond. Maybe express your interest but share your uncertainty. Communication is key! You got this!