How should I handle my best friend, whom I've come to recognize as toxic?
Since starting university, I've come to realize that my best friend of seven years isn't as wonderful as I once believed. Here are some reasons why I'm beginning to have doubts: 1. **She Frequently Lies** Her boyfriend attends my university, while she goes to one about half an hour away. I understand that she wants to spend time with him since they've been together for two years, and I always try to accommodate her schedule when she visits. However, every time she goes to see him and we make plans for the next day, she often cancels last minute, arrives hours late, or when she does stay over after a few days at his place, she fabricates her departure time to sneak back to him. For example, last time she told me her mom would pick her up in five minutes but ended up staying at his place for three more hours. I don’t mind if she prioritizes him; I just wish she wouldn’t lie about it. 2. **Jealousy Issues** She seems to get envious of the close friends I've made at university. We didn’t have many friends in high school and relied on each other, but my current program is filled with supportive peers. At a club outing recently, one of my new friends came up to me excitedly and hugged me, and she just stood there glaring and sulking. Whenever she feels jealous, she suggests that I should simply replace her, even if I’m just hanging out with another friend. I'm honestly at a loss for how to handle this. 3. **Never Invited to Her Place** In our seven-year friendship, I've never been invited to her home, while I've lost count of the times she’s been to mine. I thought it was just a family thing at first, but I’m noticing a similar pattern at university. She’s spent time at my place five times now, and I still haven’t been invited back. I’d feel awkward bringing it up since it might come off like I'm inviting myself. 4. **Insecurity About Our Friendship** This ties back to her jealousy, but she keeps asking me if we’re still friends on seemingly random occasions, and it’s become a weekly thing. It feels like I’m constantly having to reassure her about our friendship. 5. **Guilt Trips** Some mutual friends of hers and her boyfriend dislike my ex, which means she gets invited to social events that I don’t. I don’t mind not being included, but she goes out of her way to conceal it from me. For instance, during Christmas, I got a photo of them both at a party, and when I wished them a good time, she replied saying how boring the party was without me. She does the same when she’s with him, saying how much she wishes she was with me, even though she tells him the exact same thing while they’re together. I don’t mind if she puts him first; it just stings when she leads others on and makes them feel special. A similar instance happened when we promised to get second piercings together, and she ended up getting hers with another friend but tried to hide it from me. Whenever I try to express how her actions make me feel, especially about her lying, she becomes defensive and insists that I don't appreciate everything she does for me. That makes it hard for me to talk to her, leaving me unsure about how to proceed. I was recently diagnosed with depression and anxiety, which I haven't shared with her yet, and I'm beginning to feel less inclined to reach out. It might be related to my diagnosis, but something just doesn't feel right anymore. Compared to my university friends, I’m realizing that she might not be the great friend I thought she was. I’d really appreciate any advice, aside from the typical "just find new friends," because I don’t want to just cut her out. I think something needs to change.