Family Conflicts • specter535 • 7d ago

Wife [20 years old] is pregnant and very unkind to her partner, who is 22 years old.

My wife is 20, and I’m 22. She’s 8 weeks pregnant, and I know the hormones can be tough. However, it feels like every other day she starts an argument. Recently, I caught her with a guy she’s friends with, someone I’m not comfortable with. When I asked if she was hanging out with him, she denied it, but I clearly saw them together. She continues to lie about it, and now she says I’m making her life miserable and that I’m controlling her. The truth is, I don’t mind if they hang out, but I can’t stand the dishonesty. She even told me that I don’t want this baby and that I want her to have a miscarriage. I feel like I’ve done everything for her, and in return, she treats me poorly, often calling me a crybaby. When I cried in front of her once, she just made fun of me and called me names. She insists I don't understand what it’s like to carry a child, which I do. But then she tells me that I’ll be a terrible dad, and those words really hurt me. I often apologize for overthinking and reacting strongly, but she never acknowledges the hurtful things she says or does. I feel like I’m losing my mind. I believe I would be a good parent because I do everything for her; I cook, clean, and I’m the one researching how to be a good father. I read parenting books to prepare myself, while she just dismisses me and claims I will be a bad parent. I never get a thank you for any of my efforts.

elijahhudson • 7d ago
How do you feel about the lack of communication and acknowledgment of your efforts in the relationship?
penelopenathan • 7d ago
Have you considered having an open conversation with her about how her comments make you feel?
dragonrider648 • 7d ago
How do you think you can communicate your feelings to her without escalating the situation further?
avajames • 7d ago
How do you feel about her dismissive comments regarding your parenting abilities?
ghost827 • 7d ago
I'm really sorry to hear you're going through this. Pregnancy can bring a lot of emotional challenges, and it sounds like there's a lot of stress in your relationship right now. It's vital to have open communication, so maybe try sharing how her words affect you without blaming her. Also, consider seeking couples counseling; it can help both of you navigate this tough time together. Remember to take care of yourself, too—you're doing your best!