My brother has pulled away from me; should I still consider visiting him?
Last year, my brother and sister-in-law distanced themselves from my parents due to ongoing conflicts. When I tried reaching out, they often claimed to be busy. They did call me on my birthday, but since then, our communication has only been through texts. Honestly, I don't feel inclined to stay in touch, even though it hurts, as we were never that close to begin with. Since I live in another country and only visit my hometown once a year, I let my brother know I would be coming back, but he just acknowledged it without asking if I'd arrived or inviting me over. My dad frequently visits them to see his grandson and often calls, but they just pass the phone to my nephew. This happened again today; they didn’t even say hello to me. My dad is pressuring me to visit them to see my nephew, but I really don’t want to—it feels insulting. I want to avoid any regrets later, but I'm uncertain whether I should go. I'm genuinely exhausted by this family drama and have a fulfilling life abroad. It’s frustrating to feel like I have to do things I don't want to just to keep the peace in these relationships.