How can I tell if my boyfriend [24 M] is hesitant about renting an apartment with me [25 F]?
After seven years together and six years living with him, I can’t continue living with his parents in this house or this area. However, my boyfriend isn’t interested in renting. I understand it will be costly, but I’ve been trying to explain to him that I’m not happy here. He often complains about his job and worries that having too many job opportunities nearby is a negative sign. A few weeks back, he mentioned holding off on a move because he was going to get his license, which still hasn’t happened. I know he’s feeling anxious, and I am too, but I’m the one actively looking at listings. I’m reaching out to agents, exploring the area, and calculating the potential costs for bills. We haven’t viewed any homes yet, and I can't stand living with hoarders any longer. When I suggest moving, he doesn’t seem enthusiastic about it. If we were to split up, I wouldn’t be able to afford rent on my own and would end up back in a shelter. In summary, I just want my life to progress. I need to escape this house and this area so I can find happiness.