Dating and Starting Relationships • pulsegalaxy27 • 5d ago

I'm a 19-year-old female and he's a 20-year-old male. I'm uncertain about whether I shouldEnd our 'situation' or not.

I (19F) unexpectedly met a guy (20M) who started following me, and we quickly became friends. After a year, I had the opportunity to visit his country (we live in different ones). Our first meeting felt purely platonic, just as friends. By the second meeting, I sensed that he was developing feelings for me. During our third meeting, he confessed his feelings, and from that point on, we started dating up until my last day before I flew back home. Before I left, he made it clear that he wanted to see how things would go with the three-hour time difference between us. When I got back home, he initially stayed active and engaged, chatting with me despite his busy schedule. We had two calls while I was away for two weeks. I understood that he might not be able to talk all the time due to his commitments. However, recently he barely initiates conversation anymore. He only messages me for updates, and we haven’t called again because he’s always busy. It feels like he’s losing interest, which frustrates me because he was the one who wanted this relationship, yet he’s not putting in any effort.

anthonyisaiah • 5d ago
How do you feel about the change in his communication and effort in the relationship?
berserkfalcon12 • 5d ago
Communicate your feelings honestly! If he’s not invested, consider moving on. You deserve more!
elliewilliam • 5d ago
It sounds tough! Communication is key. Have a chat with him about how you feel. Good luck!
firerocket98 • 5d ago
It sounds tough. Communication is key in these situations. Talk to him about how you feel. If he's not willing to engage, it might be time to reassess the relationship. Take care!