Dating and Starting Relationships • evaamelia • 7d ago

How crucial is it for you to fit your partner's "type"?

A few months ago, I (40/F) connected with someone on a dating app, and we hit it off almost instantly from our very first message. We’ve grown quite close and developed strong feelings for each other. They’ve been an excellent communicator and listener, showing affection and attentiveness, and our conversations are filled with laughter and depth. Recently, we decided to make our relationship official. They’ve even told me on several occasions that they believe I’m their “Forever Person.” The physical chemistry seemed perfect, or so I thought. However, during a casual chat about attraction (I can’t recall the exact topic), I asked what initially drew them to my profile—specifically, whether they were physically attracted to me right away or if that developed with their feelings. I’m not sure why I asked, as I felt confident we were both attracted to each other. The response surprised me; they mentioned they sometimes like to go for something different than their usual type. When I sought clarification, they described what their typical attraction is, which sounded almost completely different from me, except for a few traits. I asked why they chose to be in a relationship with me if I’m not their usual type, and they said it was because of our vibe and conversations, and they didn’t want to lose that connection. This left me feeling that while they care for me, they might not be physically attracted to me. To be fair, they have called me pretty, but it left me wondering. They insisted that’s not what they meant, but I was too hurt to pursue the discussion any further at that moment. Now, I’m feeling apprehensive about where this relationship is heading. I’m contemplating taking a step back because I’m uncertain how comfortable I’ll be knowing I’m not their typical type. While I consider myself attractive, I’ve never worried about whether the person I’m dating finds me appealing. Is it worthwhile to continue this otherwise enjoyable relationship, or should I focus on the emotional connection, vibe, and bond we share? I’m genuinely torn and could use some advice.


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