Help!!! I'm lost on how to flirt with my boyfriend now!
Hi everyone! I'll keep this brief. So, I’m an 18F and I've been dating my boyfriend, who is also 18M, for about six months. We broke up for a little while, but we’ve been back together for around two months now. Overall, things are good, but I feel like our relationship has lost some of its spark and excitement. I’m struggling to flirt with him now, even though I used to be able to do it easily—when we were apart, I could flirt with other guys without a problem! I really want to reignite that passion and excitement in our relationship because I genuinely love him and want us to work out. Does anyone have tips on how I can flirt with him and make him fall for me all over again? What do girls say over text that you guys find appealing? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!