A 24-year-old man who is still a virgin.
Hey everyone, this is my first post on Reddit, so I apologize if my writing isn't the best. To get straight to the point, I'm a 23-year-old guy who's still a virgin. I've asked a few girls out that I was interested in, but unfortunately, they've all turned me down. I'm not sure why, and it's been weighing heavily on me. I've reached a point where I can no longer brush off these feelings. I don't really have much contact with girls at all. The girls I went to school with didn't show any interest in me, and the few from other classes that I tried to ask out also rejected me. It’s not like I haven’t put in the effort; I've actually approached them, but it's always ended with a "no." I think I've faced at least ten rejections at this point, and I'm starting to worry that I'll never find someone. Do you have any insight on what might be going wrong? Is it something to do with my appearance, or did I come on too strong? I don't believe that's the case, but I'd really appreciate any advice you might have. Thank you!