I'm a 22-year-old woman, and my partner is a 24-year-old man. We have our differences, but our love for each other is strong, and we want to stay together.
Hello, I’m a 22-year-old woman in a six-month relationship with my boyfriend, who is 24. We deeply care for each other, but at times, I feel like my love for him is stronger. Despite our differences, we connect remarkably well. He enjoys math, while it's not my forte. He's more avoidant and values his space, whereas I tend to be anxiously attached and seek connection. He loves adventure, while I prefer a more cautious approach. He expresses a desire to have children, which I’m open to because I envision him as a father, but it's not something I personally aspire to. I also value my faith in God, which is significant to me, while he identifies as non-religious. Often, it feels like I’m the one making all the compromises. I’m being patient as he navigates his own faith journey, and I share my beliefs with him. Though I’m not religious in the conventional sense and maintain my personal relationship with God, he has had negative experiences with religion; he views it as restrictive and has encountered Christians who have acted poorly. He’s made an effort for me, even attending church with my family, but remains firm in his disbelief. Another concern is his use of weed and his interest in experimenting with drugs, claiming he wants to avoid the "dangerous" ones. While I disapprove of drug use, I’ve tolerated his smoking, but recently learning about his interest in other drugs has made me anxious. I fear exposure and the potential for addiction. My family has had difficult experiences with substance abuse, including an uncle who is now homeless and a cousin who is unable to see his children due to legal issues. When I voiced my worries, I mentioned that I wouldn't want that for ourselves or our future children. He expressed that he’d like to smoke and get high with our kids when they’re older, provided they are "responsible," but what if something goes wrong? He feels that I’m misinformed and that my fears are clouding my judgment about what could be a positive experience for us. He often wishes I would be more open-minded. Does he expect me to engage in late-night partying, drinking, and drug use? I’m unsure where we stand. Is it possible for us to reach a compromise on these issues? Should we consider parting ways to find partners more aligned with our values? I love him deeply and am hesitant to give up on our relationship without exploring all options. I would appreciate any insights on whether I’m truly misinformed or advice on how to navigate this situation.