My girlfriend didn't seem to care about the one thing I requested for Christmas. Am I overreacting?
I've been in a relationship with my girlfriend for about a year now, and I've noticed that she's not particularly great at giving gifts. It’s not about being materialistic; rather, she tends to lack thoughtfulness when it comes to choosing gifts or doing something meaningful for me, despite my efforts to be considerate with hers. This year, understanding that she's been low on funds, I told her not to worry about getting me anything. The only thing I truly wanted was for her to play my favorite video game with me. It's a cherished part of my childhood, and sharing that experience felt significant to me. She agreed, but when we finally sat down to play, she was negative the entire time, only lasted about 15 minutes, and then wanted to move on to something else. I tried to overlook it, but honestly, it was disappointing. It wasn't really about the game; I just wanted to share something important to me with her, and it felt like she couldn't even make an effort to engage for more than a few moments. When I mentioned it later, she brushed it off as if it didn’t matter. Now I’m left wondering if I’m overreacting or if this points to a deeper issue in our relationship. Would this be a deal-breaker for you?