My boyfriend (34) has quit drinking and has started to act distant towards me (25).
I (25F) and my boyfriend (34M) have been together for nearly five years, working through our past issues to improve our relationship. Throughout our time together, my boyfriend has been drinking quite regularly, and when he gets drunk, he often becomes very angry—taking out his frustrations on me regarding work or life in general. Recently, we had an argument during which I expressed that I dislike how he behaves when he drinks and that he should seek help. He agreed and decided to stop drinking completely. Since then, things have been going well. He has been more communicative, we've had great conversations, and he's been really sweet. However, out of the blue, he started responding to me with shorter texts and seemed upset. When I asked what was wrong, he claimed he was just tired. I know his tiredness often manifests differently, as he had been laughing and chatting with me prior. I tried to brush it off, but the shorter replies kept coming. When I asked if he was looking forward to seeing me on Saturday—given that we've both been missing each other—he responded that he wasn't looking forward to anything and expressed feelings of frustration, saying everything felt like "shit, bullshit, and lies." He reassured me that I hadn’t done anything wrong and that it wasn't about me, but it certainly feels that way. He went to bed after telling me he loved me, but something feels off. I'm wondering if I should take his behavior to heart, or if it’s just a result of the emotional changes he’s experiencing due to not drinking. What do you all think?