M34 and I, F35, are looking for some advice.
My partner and I have been together for almost two years, and we waited three months before becoming intimate. (We don’t live together.) Before our first time, he provided me with a negative HIV test, which I thought was a thoughtful gesture and didn’t give it much thought at the time. A few months ago, he wanted to send me a piece of mail to test some eBay stamps he had purchased. When I received it, I found a blank piece of paper that contained his prescriptions. My curiosity got the better of me, and I noticed one prescription was for HIV treatment to remain undetectable and healthy. We had never discussed that he was living with HIV, so I was taken aback. Despite this revelation, I wanted to stay in the relationship and accepted his condition; we had even talked about starting a family, and everything seemed great. Recently, I started trauma therapy for some unrelated issues, and I realized that the HIV aspect was troubling me—not because he has it, but because he never really told me. My therapist recommended having an open conversation to clear the air and avoid any future misunderstandings that could jeopardize the relationship. I tried for weeks, almost a month, to initiate this talk without specifying what it was about, simply mentioning that I needed to address some feelings. Unfortunately, there never seemed to be an appropriate time. I suggested discussing it over the phone, but he always claimed to be busy. I even attempted to bring it up in person but was brushed off. Texting, which I find uncomfortable, was also rejected. He was clearly avoiding the conversation! I became frustrated, as it felt like such a simple discussion. Fast forward to New Year’s Eve: we had a wonderful time together, and I stayed at his place. The next morning, I suggested we go for a drive and talk, but he claimed to be busy (despite having made plans to hang out), and suggested I leave. I left, feeling hurt. I sent him a text saying I hoped he would reach out when he was ready to talk, but otherwise, it might be best to take a break, as I didn’t want to harbor anger. Then he completely ghosted me. I haven't heard a word from him and it’s driving me crazy! I’m consumed by thoughts of him and our relationship. I feel desperate to force a conversation and express my feelings. Saying I’m hurt feels like an understatement; I’m heartbroken. We frequently used WhatsApp to share photos since he has an Android and I have an iPhone, making it difficult to send images directly. I tried sending him a good morning text through his regular phone number, but it appears I may have been blocked since the message didn’t go through. However, he hasn’t blocked me on WhatsApp, but he hasn’t opened our chat either since he ghosted me. Is this his way of breaking up? Is this complete ghosting? Should I give him time and space, or is it better to cut things off? I'm feeling lost and need some advice on what to do next.