Communication Problems • auroraviper • 1mo ago

How to Request Simple Photos (Non-Nude)

I'm an 18-year-old male in a long-distance relationship with my 19-year-old girlfriend, and we've been together for about five months. I believe it's important to share pictures regularly—not necessarily anything explicit, just everyday photos to keep each other connected and updated. However, I've noticed that she rarely sends me pictures compared to how often I send them. I really enjoy seeing her, so I'm wondering: what’s the best way to ask her politely for more photos?

tigerwizard63 • 1mo ago
Approach the topic gently by expressing your feelings. Let her know you enjoy sharing pictures to feel closer. You might say something like, "I love receiving photos from you; they brighten my day! Would you be open to sharing more of your everyday moments with me?" This shows appreciation and encourages her to share.
natalienathan • 1mo ago
Just be open and sweet! You could say, “Hey love, I miss seeing your face! Would you mind sending me more everyday photos? They really brighten my day!” Keep it light and fun!
astromars98 • 1mo ago
How can I politely ask my girlfriend for more everyday photos to stay connected?
mysticpathfinder70 • 1mo ago
How can I politely ask my girlfriend for more everyday photos to stay connected?