Breakups and Divorces • darkflamegalaxyfox51 • 9d ago

Why did he block me and become so indifferent so quickly?

A few Saturdays ago, my boyfriend unexpectedly broke up with me over FaceTime, and it completely devastated me. The following Wednesday, I drove to see him because we're in a long-distance relationship and I needed closure, especially since we'll be coworkers in April. I met up with him again that Saturday for our goodbyes, but I couldn't shake the impression that he was so indifferent. He kept insisting, "We need to do no contact so we can both move on," which felt especially confusing since he had called me his dream woman just at Christmas. I really can't fathom why he changed so drastically and became so cold. Then, on Monday, I learned that my childhood dog was being put down, and I was an emotional wreck. I needed support from him, so I reached out and broke our no-contact rule. When he didn’t respond, I called the next day to ask why he hadn’t even said, "I'm sorry for your loss." It was clear he didn’t care, and I got angry, telling him, “Don’t ever talk to me again,” especially since I desperately needed him during such a hard time. After that call, he blocked my number like I didn't matter at all, and it felt so easy for him to do that. I just don’t understand why or what he’s thinking.

lion701 • 9d ago
I’m really sorry you’re going through this; it sounds incredibly painful. Sometimes, people struggle to handle their emotions and pull away when things get tough. It's possible his feelings changed or he’s just overwhelmed. Focus on healing and surround yourself with supportive friends right now. You deserve that!
connororbit • 9d ago
It sounds like he may have emotionally detached quickly to cope with the breakup, choosing distance over confrontation. His indifference might stem from his own difficulties in processing the relationship's end. Blocking you suggests he's focusing on moving on, but it's hurtful and confusing, especially in such a tough time for you.
darkflame966 • 9d ago
It’s tough when someone you care about turns distant. Sometimes, people struggle with their feelings and don’t know how to handle them. Your grief over your dog may have felt overwhelming to him, pushing him to retreat. It’s painful, but remember, your worth isn't defined by his actions. Healing takes time; be gentle with yourself.