Breakups and Divorces • neptune637 • 4d ago

Should I, a 19-year-old female, end my relationship with my 23-year-old boyfriend?

Hi everyone, I’m seeking some advice. I (19F) am considering breaking up with my boyfriend (23M), but I'm unsure and worried about regretting my decision. For some background, he kissed another girl two months ago, just two weeks after we became official. It came as a big shock, especially since he had always spoken out against cheating. After some reflection, I chose to forgive him because he was very drunk and promised to avoid excessive drinking in the future. A week later, I lost my job due to my boss’s passing, which distracted me from processing everything. I told him I would see how I felt after a month. That month was emotionally draining, and once I started feeling better, I realized I was still quite upset with him—not just about the kiss, but also because I’ve lost interest in him. Since the incident, he hasn’t asked me how I feel at all; it’s always about him. He often asks questions like, “What do you like about me?” and “How have you changed since we met?” These little things are starting to weigh heavily on me, and I feel like breaking up with him is the right choice. I did really care for him before the cheating, and I'm afraid of making a decision I'll regret, especially since I’ve had strong feelings for him. Another complicating factor is that we live together in a house with six others (I know, it’s a bit complicated). He plans to move out before summer, which makes me think I should wait until then, but I also don’t want to lead him on. I’m going to talk to him tomorrow, so maybe I’ll have more clarity after that, but I could really use some outside perspectives. Should I break up with him? P.S. Another important detail: he promised he wouldn’t drink again, but during a recent celebration, he got really drunk. He pressured me to come over and then wanted to be intimate, even though I expressed that I was tired and didn’t want to. That really upset me, especially since he broke his promise about drinking. I’m realizing I don’t trust him when he drinks excessively.


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