My girlfriend (19F) broke up with me (19M), and I'm feeling really confused about it.
Hey everyone, I really need some advice. To give you some background, my girlfriend and I have been together for over a year and a half. We've done everything together, and she truly meant the world to me. Recently, we encountered some minor issues due to her starting college in a different town and me beginning an apprenticeship, which has brought some challenges as we navigate adulthood. Although these situations weren't major, we still saw each other often and maintained a good level of happiness. However, over the past week, I noticed she was acting differently—almost detached, similar to a chat with someone who wasn’t interested. This change worried me about both her and our relationship. I reached out to her, asking if something was bothering her, but she simply mentioned being busy with college. Normally, we communicate very well and tackle our issues together, but this time felt different, and I had a bad feeling something was wrong. After a few days of her distancing herself, she unexpectedly brought up breaking up. I had a sense this might happen, but it still shocked me. She explained that she dislikes the distance between us but doesn’t want to be with anyone else. She also mentioned feeling too emotionally reliant on me and being uncertain about who she is amidst all the changes in her life—not because of our relationship, but due to everything else going on. Heartbroken, I respected her decision, and we ended things. I tried to suggest ways we could work through this together, but she felt it wouldn’t be fair to me. Just a few hours later, though, she texted to apologize, calling it a mistake and expressing that she doesn’t want to lose me. She then asked if we could get back together, but I told her I was feeling a whirlwind of emotions, so we agreed to take a week to think things over and meet up this Saturday. Last night, we talked again, and she mentioned that she wasn’t sure if she wanted to get back together. I’m just really confused and feeling awful. The uncertainty is tough, but I want to be there for her during this struggle. Sorry for the lengthy message, but if anyone has any advice, I’d really appreciate it. Thank you!