29-year-old female and 29-year-old male, please assist.
Hi there. I'm a 29-year-old woman, and my “ex” is a 29-year-old man. We were in a relationship for four years but recently agreed that some time apart would be beneficial. This decision was primarily his. To provide some background, we've faced challenges because I haven't been very proactive around the house, and until now, I haven't made any changes to improve my life or contribute to building our family. Unfortunately, he felt unappreciated, but he never communicated that, so I was unaware. Since our separation in November, I've been staying with my parents. We've stayed in touch almost daily, and I would even spend nights at his place when I didn’t have my daughter. I began to ask him about his feelings, and he seems torn because we've dealt with similar issues before. He acknowledges that it’s unfair, but he’s uncertain about what he wants right now, fearing that the same problems might resurface, and I share that fear. He decided we should go no contact for a while, though I'm unsure how long that will last. I feel incredibly confused, frustrated, and disappointed in myself, as all I want is to reunite when the time is right. However, I don't know how to move forward. This is the most serious relationship I've ever had, and I’ve never felt so certain about wanting to marry someone and even have a second child. He shares those desires, and yet I feel stuck. I want to clarify that he isn’t dating or considering anyone else; we've talked about this, and I trust his honesty completely. I'm just feeling lost right now. How should I proceed?